I went for my pre op assessment today (before my dental implants op which is scheduled for Mondy 6th March). I had a really good chat with the Sister in charge of the Pre Op clinic and explained in detail all about my absolute terror regarding V (both me feeling it or doing it, and anyone else doing it where I can see/hear).
She's going to pass all my concerns to the aneasthetist, who in turn will give me extra anti emetic drugs etc, so hopefully, that will sort me personally out.
But, and its a very big but - they can't get me a side room. There are just not enough of them and it means that I'm going to have to go on a ward [img]smileys/smilies_03.gif[/img] I also have to stay overnight (which I knew about, but it wasn't toooo bad when I thought I'd be able to get a side room).
This now seems like a really really really massive challenge for me. The last time I was a patient on a ward was when I was 7 years old (I'm going to be 38 in two weeks time). I am the worlds worst hospital visitor (in case anyone there is doing the deed) so I'm just terrified about the whole thing [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]Edited by: bevduk