so....this weekend, my band and i record our first cd...i am so nervous about it..anyway. my band consists of my best friends(how lucky am i?) one member, her name is jenn, has been going thru a rough divorce so she moved back home. her moms boyfriend, who lives with them, appartently got an sv yesterday, but as it turns out its a kidney stone or intestinal blockage..then i find out her boss has a sv..shes is taking mad precautions, like incessantly washing her hands and using a different bathroom in the office. she is a church secretary and he is the pastor so it is only them in the further complicate the issue her boss(the pastor) shares a house with her brother..(my guitarist) far as i know he is fine thus far..he has his own bathroom, and spends most of his time working, with his fiance(also in the band) or in his bedroom.he does not eat with the guy, hang out or share facilities., he really does not keep food there either because he is very felix unger if you know what i mean..the pastor is like oscar madison..they truly are an odd couple..anyway..the band is gonna be at my house and i am gonna be around them all weekend it too risky?