I am new here - I have been increasingly anxious about v* related issues since my fiance died just over 3 yrs ago. I am a very healthy person most of the time, I don't get colds or illnesses either. I did suffer stress and anxiety problems a few years back from over work, then a friend got killed in a motorbike race accident and then my fiance died a year later. [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]

I got sv with Norwalk-like virus a few years back and it's doing the rounds in Devon UK right now where I live. I won't touch doorhandles and stuff..I used to love kids and want them but now I just don't even know if I could handle the illnesses they bring home and feel like a complete let-down.

I need this site and it's been a great discovery for me. Maybe you guys can help me offload. I am not sure where it all comes from but I am a neurotic mess some days. I HATE IT!! I could quite live as a nomad away somewhere - away from people. My loving partner is a TEACHER!!! but secondary school so kids are older - I fear an outbreak of v* bug in his school...HELP!!

Where do we get help? What kind of treatment is available??

[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]Glad not to be alone too...I don't feel such a freak now. Offload over...for now

Leigh-ann - UK x