Absolutely agree. The government has no absolutely NO business in my bedroom, my religion, my doctor's office or anything like that. This is a passionate topic for me, and I really hope this thread doesn't escalate like similar ones have done in the past.I resent peopleconcluding that since I'm pro-choice, that I'm pro-abortion. That is such an ignorant arguement.

I do believe that there should be limits, and I don't agree with partial birth abortion at all. A law such as this is going to backfire, and young women will simply look for other means to end their pregnancy. I wonder if this also affects the "morning after pill".....

I have never been pregnant, or had a scare, so I cannot even attempt to put myself in the shoes of someone who has gone thru this situation. I don't think I would personally have an abortion, but for there to be a law as to whether or not I have to continue a pregnancy andendure changes to MY body,that perhaps started by a rape, what torture, and then for the child to find out that they were concieved in that way.... what a horrible thing for anyone to have to deal with. Life is hard enough.