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Thread: falling apart

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United Kingdom


    SO this is going to be a bit depressing,anyone of a depressed mood probably isnt a good idea to read this right now.

    sitting here in floods of tears, things in my life at the moment are
    not great and to be honest havent been great for about 9 years now..

    I wont go into details about my past,its not something im really wanting to shout about!!

    feeling almost lost as it may seem, my family have fallen apart for
    which I have just about none,relationship fell apart left a large hole
    in my heart.
    Im as a few of you know going to be some what homeless soon I have no money I have no job..

    I have nothing,materical poestions dont mean much until your faced with loosing everything.

    sorry for this whine,Im just so upset at the moment I think I may have
    just finally snapped from all this stress recently within my life.

    wish there was some sort of quick solution that would fix my past my
    future and settle things myself as well as people around me.

    Life just doesnt work sometimes the way you want it!

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    Is there some reason why all this is happening to you?? I am sooo sorry to hear this! Why are gonna be somewhat homeless? Will you have any shelter at all? I remember you saying that your gf left, is it for good?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    I'm sorry to hear that things haven't been good for you. Feel free to whine whenever you need. That's what these posts are good for! I too have lost family, have few friends, broke up with my bf of 7.5 years, and have to find a new place to live. Crying for me comes fairly easy.

    You mentioned that things have been going down hill for 9 years. Just remember that 9 yearsis a long time, and everything you want to change or fix in your life won'thappen overnight. The most important thing is that you have to look after yourself. Focus on eating and exercising properly (even if it is a quick 5 min walk around the block), and move forward from there. Small baby steps is all you need to start with.

    Have you got friends (even if they're not that close) that could help out with afew dollars, maybe some ideas on where you could move to, or even job opportunties?

    You are an important person, and have alot to offer this world. I know you probably don't think much of this right now, but I honestly think that we have bad times to help us appreciate the sweetness of the good times (though bad times still really really suck, especially when we see no way out). Hang in there, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    EDIT: Disregard, I figured out how to edit this myself, silly me.
    Last edited by jay_rough; 01-22-2011 at 10:00 PM.



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