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Thread: Hi, new here

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Hi everyone, I am new here and am in desperate need of some support. I have been an emet for as long as I can remember, only thing is I didn't know thats what it was called. I have just always had this phobia and feel like I always will. I hate it with a passion and try my hardest to live with it one day at a time but sometimes it gets the better of me.

    Last Tuesday my son had a SV. It lasted 24 hours and he had V* but no D*. I stupidly got excited yesterday as it had been a week and nobody else in the family had got sick (I have 5 children). So of course my daughter wakes up at 3am this morning V* and to make matters worse she was sleeping in my bed on my pillow. My husband was great and really helped me out but I am freaking out that I am going to get sick. She was lying right next to me, how could I not get sick. I quickly stripped the bed and have washed everything and had it in the sun all day but I don't know if I can bring myself to sleep in there tonight.

    Now I have 7 days to wait and be anxious. Normally I relax after 4 days but it looks like this SV lays dormant for a lot longer than most. When I spoke to the doctors about my son she told me the SV is in epidemic proportions in my state at the moment. I know it has been right through my sons preschool but was hoping we had doged it at home. Guess not.

    Sorry, this is all over the place and not making much sense but I am in a panic. What are my chances of nobody else in the family getting this horrid bug. The older kids were at school today so have not been around their baby sister but she has on occasions got away from me and touched things in their rooms. Also she has been on my lap all day so do you think I am going to get it?

    Any support or advice is very welcome. I have witnessed how supportive this sight is and am hoping I will become part of that. It is so good to know I am no longer alone with my fear.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Fist of all welcome!

    You are better than some of us emets- you have 5 kids. You hadle morning sickness and all of that stuff. Congratulations!

    Most of us thought that our phobia doesnt have name and that we are the only one on the whole world. But you see how many people have emetophobia.

    Its terrible when someone V next to you.... But maybe its not a bug? Maybe she ate something.

    Take vitamines, eat light food- just in case.

    Take care and regards

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Welcome. Wow 5 kids they must keep you on your toes!!
    Just make sure that you are washing your hands and you could also use hand sanitzer and Lysol to clean your place. Try not to go on the 3 day diet of eating nothing, that just raises your chances of getting it, eat light and drink plenty of water or juice. Sounds like you have a wonderful husband who helps out!!
    I hope you stay well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    Hi Beck and Welcome. You will find lots of support here. I experienced this same thing last week with m kids and cannot stress enough about keeping sanitary. That and keeping your immune system up is the only thing that helps. I take echinacea also for the duration of anyone being ill. Hang in there and it will pass....</font>

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United States


    I only have three kids,but yes, I have noticed (sorry) it can go a week before the next person gets it. HOWEVER, it has been my experience that whoever is going to get it will get it from that first person. Does that make sense? Usually, one of my kids will get it and then anybody else who ends up getting it gets it at the same time. My younger son once had it two days before Christmas, and my other son, husband, and me all came down with it two days before New Year's. My daughter didn't come down with it that day, and didn't end up coming down with it at all. AND, that was the only time I ever caught it from one of my kids and all I had was d*.

    Keep us posted on how you are doing. Just keep washing your hands, use gloves to clean the bathroom with lysol, and replace cloth towels in your bathroom and kitchen with paper (I started doing that last one after that bout I just mentioned and since then we haven't had the sv* go through our house--knock wood--it seems to hit only 1 or 2 of us).
    <font color=BLUE>~Paula~</font>

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    Welcome Beck - 5 kids, wow. You have your hands full. I have one and 2 stepchildren. Having one about did me in. I am impressed. Sounds like you are battling the sv that we battled here2-3 months ago. The incubation period was about a week. We were out of town the week after Christmas and all the kids at my sitters had it so I figured we would be safe since my son wasn't there that week. Of course I still worried. But he was fine the whole next week. Then that Friday the sitter got it. My son didn't get it until the *next* Friday. But he was at his dad's house that weekend. His dad got it like 4 days later but his wife never did. Weird, huh?? I think it's like others have said - take care of yourself and keep your immune system strong. If my ex is anything like he was when we were married he doesn't take care of himself at all so that's probably why it hit him and skipped his wife. Anyway, hang in there and take care. And again, welcome!!!!

    Keep the faith!
    Philippians 4:6-7

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    First of all - a big welcome. Second - whew, five kids and emet on top of it. You are an inspiration.

    Typically, the virus sheds for approximately 72 hours after the last V* or D* episode. The incubation for the virus once it is caught is 12-48 hours. So the maximum time period from the latest of possible exposure to the last possible minute of incubation would be approximately five days. However, it is known that the virus can be in the stool for up to two weeks after the last V* or D* episode. The problem is that it is not known how virulent this shedding is. It probably varies from person to person.

    It is also possible that your daughter got it from someone else, which is likely since your doctor said the sv is epidemic in proportion in your state. I think sometimes we are so vigilent with cleaning, etc. when someone is sick in our homes that we forget that we can beexposed elsewhere.

    Has you daughter been sick again? Are you sure it is a sv?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Well, the nightmare continues. My son woke up at midnight and called out. He had been sleeping in his brothers room as he normally shares with my daughter but I was trying to keep him away from her germs. He had V* the poor thing. Thestrange thing is I had gotten up and taken him to the toilet about 15 minutes before hand. He seemed fine, was smiling and talking to me. 15 minutes later he is V*. He said he didn't get a sore tummy but felt really dizzy. He ended up V* four times and has been fine since. I do not want to go out in public if this is how fast it comes on. What if I got it while I was out?

    Now I am sure the rest of us are going to get it. I sent my older two to school with strict instructions that if they feel the tiniest bit nauseous to tell the teacher we had SV going through the family and to call me and I would pick them up. One of my biggest fears is V* in public and I also fear my children doing the same. I cringe when I see kids out in public carrying buckets around. I can't understand why any parent would put their child through that but I suppose if you don't have a problem with V* then it wouldn't bother you.

    So now I play the waiting game. My husband wants roast for dinner tonight but I am going to try and talk him out of it. I would hate to get sick after a big meal.

    Thank you all for the lovely welcome. I don't know how I manage having 5 children and being an emet. To tell you the truth I have actually gotten worse with each child. I have always had this phobia but it didn't control my life like it does now. I would love to overcome it as my biggest fear is passing it on to my kids. They are already very viligent with handwashing and germ control but don't seem to mind at all if their brother or sister is V*.

    Anyway thanks again. I will keep you updated on our SV saga[img]smileys/smilies_10.gif[/img]


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    I swear it never ends. I am falling apart here. My daughter has just V* again after not V* since 6am Wednesday Morning, (it is Thursday night here in OZ). Why is this happening. I wasn't as careful with her today as I thought she was nearly better and she V* on my hand. I scrubbed and scrubbed but what if I didn't clean well enough. What if she is sick again during the night, what if she is sick again tomorrow while my husband is at work. I just want this over. I really think they would all be better without me and my hang ups. What kind of wife and mother am I, an awful one I feel. WHy can't I be there for them when they need me the most. Why do I have to have this problem, why am I too scared to get help. Sorry, I will stop rambling now, I feel like I am losing my mind.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    Beck you are not an awful wife and mother. And you are not losing your mind. I know exactly how you feel. I'm sure we all do. Take a deep breath and hang in there. I know it's hard but try not to play the 'what if' game in your head. I do that all the time and it will drive you crazy. All you can do is wash your hands and use purell or something like it and clean up with clorox around where the kidshave beensick. That's the best you can do. If the weather permits where you are, open the windows and let in some fresh air. That makes me feel better.

    HANG IN THERE! ! ! You will be ok, no matter what happens. Try to keep yourself busy with something and get your mind off it. And you know we are all here too!!!!


    Keep the faith!
    Philippians 4:6-7

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    Hi Beck,
    Just want to tell you I know what you are going through. I did the same thing, the what if's, the counting the days, cleaning everything, not sleeping due to constant listening of all sounds in the house. Just try to get some help with all this, can you reach out to family, neighbors?
    Hang in there and it will pass and they WILL feel better. Take care..

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Well, it happened. I got the dreaded SV. First another of my sons woke with it at 5am this morning. Luckily he didn't have it too bad but he did V* 3 times. My husband had not left for work yet so he dealt with it. Then I started feeling really tired and had some D*. Of course I panicked as I just knew what was going to happen next. The N* was unbearable so in the end (after about 5 hours) my husband convinced me to make myself V* so I would feel better. I was so scared but I did it and did feel 10 times better after. I have now V* twice and I feel a lot better. It wasn't as bad as I remembered and I feel empowered that I took things into my own hands and dealt with it. The sad thing is I know this feeling won't last. I know that the next time one of my kids are S* I will remember this awful week and panic all over again.

    Thank you for all your support. I am just glad it's over for this time.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    So sorry to hear you came down with it. That must have been soooo scary. Great for you being so brave and dealing with it. Feel better soon. Keep us posted as to how long it lasts.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Feeling much better today. I am still really tired and weak but the N* ,V* and D* has gone. I am still too scared to eat but have been having energy drinks which are helping.

    Now my only problem is I am sitting here waiting for the only 2 people in the house who didn't get sick to get sick today. Keep your fingers crossed for me that everyone stays well.

    Take Care


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Becky, I am new to this website too and I have had this fear forever. It has become so much worse since I had my 3 kids. Sounds like you did great though! I don't like that feeling of being helpless and I also feel like I am being a bad mother because of it. Feel good, and try to relax!



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