Thank you Amber for your suggestion to organize my thoughts and put them down in writing. I am a VERY organized person when it comes to work related things and my house .... but when it comes to something like this I am just scatter brained because there are so many negative things going on right now. That is a very helpful suggestion that I plan to put to use. And I actually thought about going to an orthopedic surgeon to make sure that my foot is not broken or fractured since it has now been 4 weeks and I'm still in a lot of pain.

Well Donna, thank you as well for your support. I do know that my husband is still immature and has growing up to do because he is only 27, but I just don't get it because when I first met him and got together with him I thought that he was the most compassionate and caring man in the world - just in the past year things have really turned around and I'm not sure why. So it took your husband a while to actually "get it?" Great, I don't know if right now I have the strength to wait it out But I'm glad to hear that one day he might start to understand and be supportive.

Thanks again ladies! Alissa