So, yesterday, I asked my mother to make me a salad because I was busy or whatever. So, I ate it. Then, I went to make a salad myself a few minutes ago todayand went to get the bleu cheese dressing and the one that was opened (and the one I had eaten dressing from) had an expiration date of December 22 of 2005. Which was a few months ago, of course. It had accidentally gotten switched with a jar of it we have dated July 2006.Now I have not had any symptoms of food poisoning or anything. The only time I felt something in my stomach today was during 2nd period when I had an unpleasant feeling. But, then it went away quickly. Um... so what are the chances of me getting sick? My mother told me it is not highly perishable and that she ate some the night before me and did not get sick. Also, our fridge is kept almost up to the maximum coldness setting. I'm scared. I feel fine, though.