<H2 style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=center>Nausea</H2>
<H4 style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=center>10 Stomach-Soothing Solutions</H4>

We took a survey of things that make tummies quiver and quake. In just half an hour we coughed up eggs, egg salad, eggs sunny-side up, needles, giving blood, seeing blood, hospital smells, hair in your food, bus exhaust, credit card bills, day-old grits, cooked carrots, Christmas morning anxiety, road kill, a graphic description of plastic surgery, greasy hamburger smells, "tee many martoonies," cigarette butts floating in a coffee cup, frying bacon, muck at the bottom of an old leaf pile, the smell of roasting chestnuts on the streets of New York City, a well-filled diaper, cat hairballs, bad fish, and other people being nauseous.

So how's your tummy, hmmmm? Are you a little queasy? What's that lump in your throat? Do you wish the world would end—and quickly? Well, don't worry. We've got some home remedies that will denauseate your tummy before you can say "tapeworm sandwich."

As beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so nausea is in the tummy of the nauseated. So, too, are the remedies. Keep trying until you find the one that works for you

Let's get syrupy about it. If you're not that nauseated, "Coke syrup is something we use that seems to work real well," says pharmacist Robert Warren, Pharm.D., who heads Pharmacy Services at Valley Children's Hospital in <st1lace w:st="&#111;n"><st1:City w:st="&#111;n">Fresno</st1:City>, <st1:State w:st="&#111;n">California</st1:State></st1lace>. The noncarbonated syrup has concentrated carbohydrates that may help settle the stomach. In fact, Dr. Warren says, any soft drink liquid concentrate or even plain sugar syrup may help. The dose is 1 to 2 tablespoons for adults, at room temperature, as needed, and 1 to 2 teaspoons for children.

Or go for the uncola. Emetrol is "an over-the-counter product that works the same way as Coke syrup," Dr. Warren says, but is more expensive and without caffeine. It's a phosphorated carbohydrate solution containing the sugars glucose and fructose, and phosphoric acid.

Go for Bonine. These high-sugar syrups, however, are not for diabetics or for anyone who wants to avoid the calories. Instead, Dr. Warren says, an alternative is Bonine, a chewable antihistamine tablet with no sugar. Bonine is a motion sickness drug that works on your stomach. (Dramamine, another motion sickness medication, isn't effective against other kinds of nausea because it works on your inner ear.) As with any drug, be sure to read the precautions on the label first.

Keep in all clear down below. If you want food, stick to clear liquids like tea and juices, says nausea researcher Kenneth Koch, M.D.,