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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    Well, now that I know what "OT" stands for, I can actually use it!! I just wanted to ask for support...I have decided to quit smoking in two weeks. I am kind of quitting to give myself that gift for my 25th birthday (if that makes any sense.) I want to quit for good because I want to start thinking about having kiddos and I want this bad habit well behind me before I even think about it. I am worried about my stress and anxiety level shooting throught the roof, so I might be on here a lot emet stressing as a result. Also, anyone have good advice for quitting??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey I quit 2 and a half months ago...and yes it was hard! The first day was the worst, then every day got easier an deasier. I smoked ALOT and I smoked when I was panicking, and I smoked when I felt sick, it was my escape, and I was terrified to quit...but I did it, and it wasn't that bad, I just made sure ti wasn't an option to go back...It is not an option fo rme to say ok I will just haev a drag or one smoke...and then now, I am almost at the point where I am afraid if i did have one it would make me sick, because now the smell of it is COMPLETELY different than a smoker thinks it smells like, it makes me feel sick, i still crave and when panic think I wish I had a smoke, but it really is not half as bad as I thought the stress would be, just stick to it! Good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States



    Thanks for the support. I guess that it is like anything...mind over matter. I know that if I don't quit for good now, I will probably always smoke and there is no way that I would even consider trying to concive while I am still smoking, I want to be long over it. It will be worth the few weeks of pain and suffering to finally be done smoking. I think that it will be the best birthday present that I can ever give myself.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    hi silver!

    though i have never smoked (im only 16, anyway), my older sister used to and i can give you a piece of advice. whenever you feel the urge to smoke, do something else to distract you. for example, take a walk, drink a glass of water (and keep drinking it until your craving has passed), go for a drive, excersice, etc.etc.

    Oh, and you can set a goal for yourself. for example, maybe you could save up the money that you would normally spend on cigarettes and buy yourself something that you really want.

    I hope i helped, and have a great birthday! let us know how it goes!!

    -hayley xoxox

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    Thanks Hayley,

    That really helps too...It doesn't matter that you are only 16, you are very insightful for your age (and smart enough not to have ever smoked!!)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    What does OT mean?



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