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Thread: Hi there

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United States


    I used to post a long time ago and haven't posted for years!! I was KimberKat back then. Now I'm married, w/ 2 kids ages 1 and 2 1/2. As you can guess with 2 kids my 'problem' is most definately back. I made it fine thru pregnancy 1 and 2. Only feeling really really s*** a few times. I've even made it thru a few bouts of the sv with my kids. But this last time I almost lost it! My 1 yr old just had her first birthday party this past Sat. Well someone passed the sv on to my 2 yr old who had an awful tummy ache and diarhea, then on to my 1 yr old who v****** for about 2 hours yesterday when I was all alone with them. Oh the panic set in! Of course taking care of her was the first thing on my mind the second was I hope I don't get sick. Well today after dinner I felt a ruumble in my belly and ran to the bathroom. I've been on the toilet alot this afternoon, but fighting the nausea was a very very hard job! I was distracting myself with everything, doing dishes, sending out thank you cards, and I took a few sips of ginger tea. But all the while I was thinking how good it would be if I had some support when I'm ready to flip out. So I'm back and hope I can get some support for something that no one I know understands. [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey Kim welcome back!

    First off I admire you for having kids and getting through these things despite the v* factor. You sound like you are fighting it off pretty good. I understand I get freaked when I get d* because I automatically think its an sv on the way or something. Youroldest didn't v*, so you may not either. It may just be d*, some bugs are like that. Keep in mind too that kids have a worse time with v* than adults do, you stand a much better chance of not v*ing.

    Ginger ale and ginger tea are great stomach soothers, and good to get liquids in you. I really hope this passes soon, hang in there. You will get through this, I know its hard though, I know it seems like forever, but it will pass!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States



    I'm fairly new here, just want to introduce myself[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

    Are you still N*?? How are you feeling??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United States


    O I am dying right now!!! I have terrible stomach pain, and cannot stay off the toilet. I want to go to sleep but I'm terrified that I might wake up and have to V*. I'm just exhausted. Thanks for the reassurance. I think I need to try to get some rest. I just need this day to end so I can feel better.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    Are you still N*, do you think you caught it from your babies?

    I'm sorry you feel bad!!!!

    This always works for me: a cup of hot tea with ginger (ground) mixed in. Tastes strong, but setles the tummy.

    Do you have any Immodium?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United States


    Ok so I survived last night without v*! At about 4 am I woke to use the toilet, and the nausea was gone! Thank GOD!! I did sip a little ginger tea. But I was too afraid to really drink it, and I was afraid to take immodium . I just didn't want to make things worse in my tummy.

    Oh and I've got my son's cold too. While I was in hell last night with my stomach, my throat started o hurt too. Great! When it rains it pours! How the hell did I manage to catch a sv and a cold at the same time. I guess I'm not as careful as I once was as far as being around people, and going out. After all this, I'm ready to crawl back under my rock.

    I just wish I could have stayed in bed today but hubby had to go to work. I asked if he was able to come home early, he's not sure. Oh well, only 3 more hours till naptime for me and the kids!

    It feel so good to have support again. Thanks so much![img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]




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