Hello everyone im new to this site and this is my first post. I am so happy i found somewhere where i can get support for my long living phobia. Well here is my dilema , I am currently thinking about having a baby with my boyfreind but as you probably know am scared to death of the chance of getting morning sickness. Have any others like me on this site been through the experience ? I have looked up some facts and it says that 75 - 95 % experience nausea and only 25 - 55% experience actual mornign *sickness. I also found out that 73 % of emets make it through the pregnancy with out morning sickness too! I have read some posts about women suffering from emet with children and i am in awe ! wow they are brave to take the chance . i deff. want to have children but am so nervous and scared please if anyone knows anything let me know thank you all so much! xoxox and thank you for the site it is such a great help <3