There is always a lot of talk on here about how non-emets aren't bothered at all by the same things we are, and that we are trying to create our own little germ free bubble here and not considering the feelings of non-emets. The health clinic in a grocery store thread is the first to come to mind as an example. Many people were saying that to non-emets it isn't gross, and we need to remember we are the ones with the phobia, the world can't revolve around us, etc. I do agree with this, but I was thinking of something...

I'm not sure non-emets are as carefree about v* situations as we sometimes think they are. I know lots of people who couldn't care less about V* one way or another, but MOST people I am related to or friends with aren't happy about V* to say the least. I always hear people say "when i have kids I cannot deal with puke" and things like that. When I was in grade school and someone would puke in class, I was definitely not the only kid who booked it out of the room or plugged their ears. Many girls I know cry when they V* because it is awful and they hate it so much. Many people I know get very nervous when they feel nauseous and freak out a little. Many people are very bothered by undercooked meat, germy bathroom handles, etc etc.

I could go on forever with examples from people I know, but I guess my point has been made. I just wanted to bring up the idea that maybe our phobia isn't as weird as we think. Maybe It just sounds funny to other people when we say we are afraid of it or fear it. It probably conjures up images of a V* puddle chasing us down a dark alley - maybe they just don't understand what we mean when we say we are afraid of it. kbye