I have noticed that since I've been on this website daily and read topics right before bedtime, the information I've read makes a real impression on me. Since this website, I've experienced several nights where I'll have dreams of actual n* to the point of gagging and since it feels so real, I wake up. After I wake up, I continue to feel the same as in the dream needing to take more xanax in order to relax. After about 20 min. I relax and the "n*" goes away.and I fall asleep again. I have noticed that I don't have panic attacks for any situation other than an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach that I believe is related to possible n* or v*. If I feel this way, my shivering automatically begins, my n* worsens, and Ibegin to pace as I begin my battle against the N*. I am so petrified of the possibility of v* that the anxiety rules over me and I have irrational thoughts. I once had a dream where I was given the opportunity to v* and in the dream I knew I was an emet. and thought, "is this all there is to it?" but even with this artificial experience, I still can't get myself to stop fighting and just v* if I must in order to feel better. Am I the only weird one that goes through this cuz I don't see anything like this posted. Please reply a simple yes or no so that I know. I'll feel better if someone has an answer to what's going on with me.
