<<<<Do I really need all this medication to get better? Anyone pls give some suggestions! >>>>

In one word- NO! If you don't want to pursue treatment with pharmaceuticals, then by all means DON'T. It is your body, and it is your choice to put in it what you want. Inevitably, you are in the driver's seat in regards to what treatment options you want to pursue- if you don't want to take meds, that is completely your choice and your doctor should be able to work around this.

If I were you, at the next appointment I would definitely discuss this with your doctor- tell him what you are and are not comfortable with. Tell him exactly why you don't want to pursue pharmaceutical options, and that you are firm on this decision (if this is the case). If he is not amenable to this, then definitely pursue other options in regards to a therapist. Not everyone will "click"- don't get discouraged if this person doesn't work out. EVentually you will find a therapist you are comfortable with.

Goodluck! Hopefully you will be able to discuss this with him, and he will agree to work around your decision.....because after all, inevitably it is YOUR decision- no one has the right to tell you what is and is not necessary to put in your body.
