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Thread: Scared :-(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    I'm relieved to know that there are many people out there like me. I absolutly hate V*. Lately I been so depress because I feel like its ruining my everyday life. I'm not happy or enjoying anything anymore. I have a one year old son, and I've feared the day he would actually V*. It happened the other day and all I could do was hide in my bedroom. My husband had to tend to everything and I felt like a horrible mother becuase I couldn't comfort or tend to my son. Ever since then I havent eaten anything but VERY light food and water. I don't even want to eat but my husband forces me to get soomething in my stomach. I read in the paper that it was High stomach Flu time and that terrified me even more. I'm a nervous wreck and its making me miserable. My husband is very annoyed with me and I don't blame him. I need to get past this! If anyone has any sort of comfort or suggestions to get past this please let me know. Much appreciated, Thanx.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Maybe you should talk with your doctor about getting on a medication for generalized anxiety, such as Buspar. I take that, and it takes the edge off my nervousness. There are no magical cures, but talking about your problems here and knowing there are many other people who feel like you do, can be comforting. Don't feel like you're a bad mother. I don't have kids, so I can't really relate to this, but I know the feeling of wanting to be as far away from somebody as possible when they are sick.



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