my dad has had an sv. He caught it last wednesday (10 days ago) and finsihed with it 3 days later last saturday. He only had d* no v*. I dont live with him but saw him on wednesday, a few days after his last bout of d* and then again on thursday and friday. However on thursday and friday he was complaining of his stomach feeling off so i became very anxious. I think its was because he was eating at my nans who is renowned for cooking in 10 inches of oil, so i think that just unsettled him. Given that it was 4 days since the d* that i saw himm do u think i will catch it, could he still have been carrying it.

Ps i am more scared of d* than V* so it doesnt help that he didnt v* as i would rather do that

my tummy is feeligna bit off. its over 24 hours since i last saw him