I went against my doctor's orders and stopped taking my Lexapro. I have been seeinga counselor at the same time and have been waiting and waiting to get in to see the psychiatrist so that he can evalute my meds. I originally made the appointment for May 26, but the office called me to reschedule for June 9th!! AUGH! Apparently, the guy wanted to go on a three week vacation or something. Whatever.

I'm sorry, but I have gained 10-15 pounds since beginning to take Lexapro -- in December of 2005. I am miserable. No matter what I do, I can't lose the weight. On top of it, my sex life is dull and boring for me. It doesn't excite me the way it used to -- point blank: I can't orgasm. FRUSTRATING.

It is day three of my weaning period and so far, things are ok. From quitting meds in the past, I've learned that the first couple of weeks can be very difficult, but after that, you're free and clear...

I just hope that I don't get yelled at by the counselor this week...