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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom



    Well i wanted to update on how everythings changing for me, even though most of you probably don't wanna read this Ramble lol I'll try and keep it short. It started in October last year, I was very depressed when I met someone And she helped lift me up. In April we met in London to go to the theatre, I would never have gone to London if it wasn't for her, that was a huge step for me, and I was so happy when I achieved it! We met a few more times and realised that we were fast becoming more than just friends. When I saw her on my birthday we kissed and everything fell into place for me.

    I've just got back from a week away in Cornwall to see her. I can honestly tell you that while I was there I did not have a single panic attack. Which for someone who was locked in her house for about 2 years with agoraphobia is a HUGE thing!!!! (Even though her sister came in on the Second day and said everyone at her work had a stomach bug, Karen looked at me like I would freak out and I just laughed and said it follows me about!!)

    Now I'm back (and very sad about it lol) and making more changes in my life. Tommorrow I am signing to temp agencies to finally have a job and I am researching College courses I can take.

    So Whats my point in this thread??? lol Well I am acheiving all this things i never thought possible, I am travelling, getting a job, getting a Girlfriend,am able to finally live. And i know that I have to do this alone and not rely on anyone too much because if you do things for someone else and they leave then you're in trouble. But she gives me such support and believes so much I can do things that I start to believe i can do things. Like when I think I can't go on shes there to reassure me I can!

    I guess I also wanna say thanks to the emetophobia site. I have been here 2 years now and my life has changed so completely from who I was when some of you first met me. But you're all a part of that, everyone who supported me in my panic attacks, and reassured me when my mum got sick for the 1,000,000 time lol

    And also to everyone who thinks that they won't be free or happy, believe me when i say you Can and you will!!!! I wouldn't say I am cured, but I am more able to live how I want to not how emet dictates, and thats cured enough for me!

    So thats my Ramble, I just wanted to share with you how things are.

    Edited by: hippychick
    Be courageous, believe in yourself, and be the best woman you can be. I'm with you all the way.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    awwww im so happy to hear thigns are looking up for you!!! TRULY i am!!!!

    any achievement like that, that i hear on this site... just really makes evrything worth while to me... it reminds me why im fighting personally and why we shud ALL fight... like you have done.

    i really hope evrything carries on really good the way they are for u at the moment.... its so good to hear ur having a life out there now!!!

    but i dont think its all down to the friend u met online... a LOT of it is you... so ithink u deserve a pat on the back.. infact why dont u buy smthing u REALLY want and treat urself for being sostrong and getting thru this huge mammoth fight??

    congrats again ... nice to hear from you

    Jen xxxxxxx
    Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn\'t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn\'t know that so it goes on flying anyway.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    WOW!!!!!!!!! [img]smileys/smilies_10.gif[/img]

    Look at you, Louise!!!!!!

    JUST...WOW!!!!!!!!!! [img]smileys/smilies_10.gif[/img]

    I am SOOOOOOOOOO proud of you!!!!!!! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img][img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]You are definetly heading in the right direction...hell, not heading, you are going like 90 mph!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!! I am SOOOOOO proud of you!!!!!! It's so inspiring to hear that you are doing so well and are deciding to really change things!!!! I knew you could do it and I knew you had it in you...after all, I don't call you big bad mod for nothing!!!!

    Good for you!!!! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img][img]smileys/smilies_39.gif[/img]

    This makes me really happy to hear your success story!!!

    I hope everything keeps going well for you!!!

    Edited by: NCsmile6
    Smile & God Bless!!!
    The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself- Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    That's so amazing... it's really inspiring to hear about
    such wonderful triumphs over emet. I hope things continue to get even
    better for you! Isn't it funny how being crazy about someone can
    distract you from anything, even panic? Anyway, it sounds like you're
    really taking charge of your life - that's so wonderful,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hi Hippy!!

    That's such good news! I always knew you had it in you, you just had to find out for yourself. I am really, really happy for you that you found a way to beat this phobia and that you are happy with your girlfriend. You really deserve it!

    *Even a thousand-miles journey starts with a first step*

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey Hippychick!

    Congrats on coming so far with this phobia!! I know (and remember) that you helped me out a lot when I first came, and its great how we all just help each other like that, and Im very glad that you are beating this and are able to live a mostly emet free life!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Vancouver, BC, Canada


    That's great, Hippy. It's so good to hear of people doing so well, and moving on with life and love and ...all that good stuff.

    Keep up the positive attitude!
    For more info about emetophobia and treatment:

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    DISCLAIMER ~ Any advice I give on this forum is well-intentioned and given as to a peer or friend or for educational purposes. It does not in any way constitute psychotherapeutic or medical advice. Please discuss anything you may learn from my posts with your doctor and psychotherapist prior to making any decisions or changes or taking any actions.

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