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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006


    Hi, I am new here, but I wonder if anyone can help.

    There are a lot of "bugs" going around at the moment and I am scared of getting ill or worse, my family getting ill (that's worse to me)

    My granda is in hospital where there was a recent outbreak of Winter V* Virus, or Norovirus. He got ill and my Dad got it too. Although I don't live with my Dad, I met him yesterday and all of my germ fears are back. Apart from washing my hands a lot with special soap, what can I do? How can I stop the germs if they are everywhere in the community?

    i have had emet for 12 years, since I was 10. I have had a lot of therapy and it has helped day-to-day living, going to public places, etc. I still have obsessive compulsive tendancies (like the hand washing and thoughts) but it gets worse when I am confronted with germ or v* issues and triggers.

    I graduate this year with an honours degree in psychology and counselling, so it's not all bad, and I understand about mental health, brains and behaviour,lol!

    Another good thing (kind of) is that, over the last 5 years I have suffered from anorexia. Obviously, that itself is bad, but at least my emet phobia has stopped me from making myself v* after eating. That could have made my problem 10 times worse, and anyway, I am definately in the recovery stage now thankfully.

    Thanks for listening



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United Kingdom


    I'm glad you're on the road to recovery. Try not to worry about these germs, they are about all year round but we only really get to hear about them during outbreaks at schools/hospitals etc. and then we start to panic! Just keep your hands clean and try not to touch your face, put your fingers in your mouth etc., and you really should be fine.

    Welcome to the site by the way!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United Kingdom


    welcome !!



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