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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    My bf had the day off today, so we thought we'd take the boys to a little village called Aberfoyle, very beautiful and always full of tourists. It's about an hour's drive from our home, and a reallly scenicjourney.

    Five minutes before we got there, my oldest announced "I feel sick!" and IMMEDIATELY v*d all over himself, the back seat and the floor. We stopped the car and my bf got himout and began toclean him. Then my youngest, who was still strapped into his car seat, began to cough, gag, and v*d all over himself, the back seat and the floor!!!!!!

    I'm proud to say I didn't run away, though I would have loved to! My bf did all the cleaning while I sat frozen in the front seat. Both boys were fine afterwards and we carried on with our trip. But unfortunately we had to travel all the way home with"that" smell in the car!!!

    I still don't know what happened. The boys NEVER get carsick! They are fine, they ate a good dinner and are playing quite happily. But as for me........uuuggghhhh, the joys of being an emet mum!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    I have always been petrtified of one of mine doing that in the car. I probably would have run out of a MOVING car!!LOL. Nice of your bf to clean everything. Good for you that you handled it. Hope that is all it was...</font>

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Oh my!! How awful, my daughter did that a couple of years ago when we were on our way back home from a vacation. And she had drunk milk before we left!! AGH!! SHe ended up having swimmer's ear that caused her to v*. Excellent work not running away!!! I know it's the worst!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    good for you dreamer...I would've left the car, and refused to get back in there. My oldest, when she was 4 or so did that...thank god she v* in her blanket, got a little on the seat belt and clothes...we were on our way home from up north. That morning she ate cereal, I think she just got a little car sick. She was fine the rest of the day. But it was nasty! The worst....did you end up getting your car clean??? Next time, bring a bucket or garbage bag with!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Dreamer- are the roads really winding and bendy? I get carsick regardless, but I know that roads like that can even make people who don't usually get carsick a bit sick (learned this the hard way while driving in the east coast of Canada).

    Sorry that you were put in that situation- we actually keep a carpet cleaner and towels in the trunk, just in case anything gets spilled, let alone what happened to you. Glad they were fine afterwards though- it's funy how some kids will feel nasty for a short while, vomit, and then be completely back to their normal selves.


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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    That must have been so awful for you - I would have panicked like mad. You did so well staying in the car and not fleeing - that is a triumph! I don't have kids but my fiance has a young daughter, luckily she is the best traveller, but once she announced that she felt sick when we were on our way back from a day out. I panicked at just the mention of it - luckily she wasn't ill.

    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    How did you stay in the car while your bf was cleaning? didn't it smell awful??
    \"Napoleon, you\'re just jealous because I\'ve been talking to babes online all day.\" ~ Kip

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Hi Dreamer,

    I had a similar experience with my son three weeks ago. We were at a ballgame for the day. He was fine. We stopped at the grocery store on the way home to get some things to make for dinner. My kids were great, playing in the car. While at the store, my son had to go to the bathroom. My husband took him. His bowels were on the looser side, but he was still fine (or so we thought). We purchased our groceries and took them to the car. My son developed hiccups when we got into the car. Within minutes he v*** everywhere. When we got home he v** one more time and then several times with dry heaves only. It must have been a sv. It came on that quickly.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    Hi dreamer, terrible experience, but good for you for not running away. The oldest probably got a bit carsick for some random reason, and not wanting to be left out the youngest had to join in the fun. [img]smileys/smilies_05.gif[/img] Glad they felt ok afterwards and you were able to complete the trip relatively calmly.

    I must say you have a great boyfriend though, for him to clean all of that up and not say anything to you. Does he have a clone? [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Hi guys, thank you all for your support! Still a bit wary about getting back in the car, it still smells a bit!

    Crimgoddess: yes, the roads are winding and bendy in places and they go up and down a fair bit too! But my son has never got travelsick and we've been on far worse journeys than that. He had a bit of d* on Monday, so maybe it was a mild sv*, or just something he ate.

    mjewel: I was dying to get out of the car and RUN, but I didn't want to freak the boys out . All the doors &amp; windows were open, so it wasn't so bad. I was trying to be calm for them, but I had to get out to help my two-year-old when he v*d as his dad was still busy with big brother!

    Anyway, thanks again! Lesson learned. I won't be going anywhere in future without everything I need for cleaning, disinfecting and de-stinking. (for the car AND the boys!)



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