My favorite place to be is:being with my boyfriend on the beach
Iam:feeling well groomed having just got in from having my haircut[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]
I love:my friends and family
I am afraid of: all things v* related, being alone and probably a few more things!
I wish: I could spend more time with my boyfriend but he lives in England and i live on a rock!
I would like to baneople from drinking TOO much around me
I am annoyed by:Selfish people
My favorite song is:Video - IndiaArie
I am happiest when:I have some time to myself after a hectic day
I can always be counted on to: Be a pirate?

Everyone thinks that I am:dappy, blonde (I'm brunette with a blonde attitude!), smiley

They think this because:I keep doing daft things and being able to laugh about it!
I'd like to meetalai Lama
Life is:special
Love is:safe and warm
Marriage is for:companionship

Fast food is:gross [img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img]
Let's go: fly a kite (Up to the highest height, Let's go fly a kite,And send it soaring.... la la la la)
Just get it:fair
I am most healthy when I:feel happy

Generally, I:like toread
My worst habit is:when I get grumpybefore my monthly's
I am known to be:Happy
My weakness is:Chocolate (cadbury's)

I am hungry for:travelling
I'd be very happy if: I could see my family in Australia more often