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  1. #1


    when i think about it, i realize i'm primarily scared of catching a sv*
    as opposed to vomiting from another cause such as motion sickness,
    nerves, etc. what scares me about sv*s is that there is an actual
    germs that is causing me to be sick and i feel powerless against that.
    additionally, w/ the sv* you never know how many times you will v*,
    and once you vomit once, it's not necessarily over w/. you won't
    necessarily feel all better.

    i'm just wondering, when was the last time you v* from a sv*? how
    many times? how long from first signs of n* to actual v*? how long
    did it last? and do you know where/how you caught the virus?
    anyone never had a sv*?

  2. #2
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    Krebs, I think the last time I puked 30 years ago was from food poisoning, although I can't be sure. The last time I vomited for certain from a virus was 32 years ago. I'm pretty certain I caught it at school. I only threw up once. Actually, each of three pukes I remember, there was only one episode. There was no nausea or other warning that time and it's what caused my emet. The other time I remember, I woke up with severe stomach cramps and had enough time to go to my parents' room to get my condition diagnosed and then go to the bathroom and throw up. Each of the three times, I didn't have any other symptoms after I threw up.

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  3. #3
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    Last time i had a sv was 3 years ago and i caught i after everyone else in my house had had it so i'm pretty sure it was a sv. I had really bad stomachache and was very n* and i knew what it was and i've been sick from alot of other things since (i had an undiagnosed problem which meant i was v* every couple of weeks which thankfully has gone now) and i dunno exactly why but it was different and i've always been pretty sure since that its not a sv. I was sick about 5 or 6 times in about a 4-5 hour period and then felt n* for a few days.

    I'm only really scared of being sick cos i'm worried its a sv too cos there's no control in that case cos you dunno how long your gonna be ill for.

  4. #4
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    I had a stomach virus in 2000 and in 2005, and both times I threw up about three times all within about three to four hours. I had diarrhea before, during and after the vomiting. I think I felt nauseous anywhere from an hour to three hours before it happened.

  5. #5
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    United States


    has anyone had a stomach virus and been able to suppress the v*?

  6. #6
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    Yes, when I was younger I had a couple of SVs and was able to not throw up. One of them wasthe first one I had after I developed emetophobia. I remember being in bed and actually sort of threw up a little in my mouth, but I just swallowed it (I know, how gross!), and was OK. I had a couple more without any real vomiting, also. I know another one the same thing happened where a little came up in my mouth, but that was it.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by rasogommato
    has anyone had a stomach virus and been able to suppress the v*?

    Yes, I have done that by being very still and not allowing anything to upset my breathing, which can then set off the movements necessary to vomit. The last time I had one, I also used Pepto Bismol and Dramamine to keep from vomiting.

    And of course I don't remember all of the viruses I may have had where I never got close to vomiting.

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  8. #8
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    I am afraid of the same thing...I don't like to v*, but I am not afraid of it in instances like morning sickness, etc. I am deathly afraid of the sv* though...horribly terribly afraid when it is going around (like it is right now.) I have had two sv* in the past year where I just d* nonstop for hours, but no v*...most of the other people I know that had it v* and d*. I am not sure if it is from refusing to let it happen or what. I was n* throughout, but would not let it happen, I also took phenegren to stop it in the first place...I believe that it does work to stop it, because I had a coworker who had d* and v* and the doctor gave phenegren to her and it stopped her from v*, she said that it worked really good. I am banking on having that.

  9. #9
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    where in the US do you live Silver? I really thought that come May, things would settle down dramatically but for some reason,it seems like we have had somewhat of a spike in activity recently...its freaking me out all over again!

  10. #10
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    I have had probably about 4-5 sv's my whole life and only threw up 1 time with 2 of them when I was smaller. The last time I v* which was when I was six, I' m not even sure if that was a sv or not. I think the chocolate milk I drank didn't necessarily agree with me. Anyways, I had one last year, had major d* for about 3 daysbut didn't v*. I actually didn't even feel nauseous. I know it was a sv* though because my son had it and I got it from him. I had one the year before that and I managed to not let myselfv. I was soo sick but I didn't v* and I fought very hard. Funny enough I had d* only once or twice with that one. I also remember one back in 96' when I was a freshman in highschool. Everybody in my homeroom had the sv and I caught it, again I can't believe i managed to fight the v* again, I was soo sick.. I had real bad d* with that one too. Basically, I can remember throwing up twice in my life. The first time, that I can remember, was when I was about 5-6. I had a sv* . The other time, when I was 6, was the last time I v*..
    Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.- Colossians 3:17

  11. #11
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    I was never been sick from a sv!!!! My last sv was 14 years ago and I felt really sick , but I didnīt vomit. I know some people who never had a sv. For example my mother, my boyfriend....It is really interesting who many emets have more fear for sv than other vomit-reasons. I just donīt want to vomit....no matter what for a reason!
    Vergangenheit ist es erst, wenn es nicht mehr weh tut!

  12. #12
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    I must have had quite a few sv's when i was younger, i remember i was sick quite a bit. My mum told me a few stories about some sv i had, one time i got rused into hospital from v* non-stop when i was a child, another time i had one when i went to the theartre, um when i've been older that i can remember i had one when i was about 12 i think and i couldn't stop v*..and the next day anything i drank wouldn't stay down. I had something 3 years ago, but i think that was due to my period that made me really sick. When my stomach had to much acid in it, i also kept v*, but the pain got to bad from having to keep heaving and my stomach was sore, so my mum told me to come down the hospital where she works and they gave me stemetil by injection (thank goodness!!) lol, has anyone else had that through injection, sorry to be such a baby..but it like bruised my whole arm!! lol and made it go completly dead, then all i remember was going really sleepy and i feel asleep in the waiting room lol.

    Ruth -x-

    indeed it is! :]

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  13. #13
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    When I was a kid, everytime I got an sv I'd v* anywhere from 1-3 times.

    About 5 years ago I had an sv and I was so n* I almost almost almost just let IT happen because the n* was so incredibly bad. I remember lying on the floor in the bathroom in a haze from the cramps and n* and thinking, "Ok...if it'll make it better". I never v*, but I was ready. No d*, just a lot of gas, burping, and n*.

    As a child, I usually had no warning. I'd wake up in the middle of the night with enough time to scream for my mom or dad meet up with them in the bathroom. That's why I am often terrified to fall asleep at night. Only twice did I have warning - usually about 4 hours from the onset of the n* to v*.

    The last sv that I know was an sv and not IBS or anxiety was a couple of years ago. I woke up at 5am with d* and within a couple of hours I was n* and crampy. The n* was horrible and I had d* about 5 times in 3 hours. Then I fell asleep and slept for 12 hours only waking every now and then long enough to sip Gatorade. I was running a 103 fever and my roommates finally rushed me to the ER around midnight because I couldn't stay awake (and I'd been asleep since noon) for more than a few minutes, was incoherent, and nothing was bringing the fever down. For the next 4 days I was n* and had a terrible taste in my mouth.

    I don't think v* ever made me feel better at all when I was a kid, and I hate it when people say, "oh, just v* and be done with it. You'll feel better". BS, I always felt worse or still just as bad!!!!!

  14. #14
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    The last time I had a sv was five years ago. The weird thing is...is that I don't remember being that n* or anything before I v*. I just felt crummy and weak all day long and just felt worse and worse as the day went on. I went to church that night and left early. I hadn't eaten all day and thought that was why I felt funny. I ate some crackers on the way home and ate a banana when I got home. Put on my jammies. I felt so crappy. And THEN I started to get all shaky and maybe a little n*. My boyfriend had come over and set up a bed for me on the couch. I came out to lay down and I was just uncomfortable and couldn't sit still. He asked me "Are you going to tu*?" I was like, no....Definitely not....Sat down next to him and instinctively got right back up and walked to the bathroom where I lost it. I remember almost every detail about that evening.

    I got sick only a few times before my mom came home from church and I was so miserable crying. She took me to the ER to get a shot (of what I'm not sure) to help me stop v*. I only v* once more after that, right when we were leaving the ER.

    What a nightmare....

  15. #15
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    May 2006


    I am scared to write on this thread incase I jinx myself! lol!

    (*Could be graphic everyone*)

    I think 10 years since an SV with v*, another time 6 years ago was ill with d* but no v*, and last time v* was on a train 2 years ago. It was so hot and I was feeling n* anyway all that day. We were coming up from London, I got to Edinburgh on a train that had broken air conditioning in the heat of summer. Used mind over matter but my body eventually decided it knew what was best for me and I went to the loo. It happened. It was a cramped, vile and putrid experience, but I flushed it quick and then said out loud to myself - "I did it! Ha! I did it!" (hopefully no one heard . . !) I was glad that only I did it, as my main fear is other people v*, especially family. It was over so quickly and I was proud of myself. Don't fancy doing it again . . . ever! But hey

    PS - I have suffered from anorexia, but God, I could never be bulimic!I think my fear of v* must be worse than my fear of being fat, I have thought about it, but never managed to make myselfv*. Maybe the emet is a blessing in disguise!


  16. #16
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    I had sv only once when I was 21 (3 years ago). It was going around campus like wild fire. People were v* in the corridors, not being able to make it to the bathroom. Half the town was down. There was an emergency shelter set up in downtown as all emergency rooms and walk in clinics were over run. At the time I had not been sick for about 11 years so I kind of thought I was safe. I had dinner with two friends of mine in the cafeteria (in retrospect, I suspect that is where I got it, from some cafeteria worker touching my food). Next morning one of the friends came down with it. I started feeling nervous, and remember thinking, what if I am not 'immune'. I had this movie event to go to/organize that night. It was a marathon of several movies, the Goonies I believe, and Ferris Bueler's day off. I sat there, had some pizza, drinks, and kept taking pepto and just feeling a bit off. At the time I didn't think I was n* but just nervous. Then as the movies were over, it was like 1am, I was lieing down and all over sudden it came up in my throat. I swallowed it down but knew something was wrong. So I ran home (like 1 block), got in my room and was in total panic attack (my first ever!). Called my boyfriend, he said I was probably fine, to calm down etc. Had to go to bathroom and had my first and only so far real d*, total liquid. Then got back to the room and was just sort of pacing, kind of burping a little, and then next thing I know I was v*. I was just standing there in the middle of the room! I couldn't believe it! I v* two more times that night, about once every hour. This time I could tell when it was coming. Was n* next day, I guess, but not the sort that I get these days from anxiety. Different feeling. Just sort of really grossed out by food.
    As for not letting myself v*? Well, I quite sure that there would have been absolutely no way I could have kept that down. It had a mind of its own, which is truely the terrifying bit, isn't it?
    I think I had being n* more than anything. If there was no n* and I would just spontaneously v* sometimes, maybe it wouldn't be so bad? Never mind, probably even worse! No control at all!

  17. #17
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    Well, the sv I had that was the worst was the one I got after 10 years of not doing it. I was home alone, and felt fine, sat down and had a big plate of popcorn, and while I was eating it something in the back of my mind vaguely was telling me something wasn't right with my stomach, and I just ignored it and kept eating. Weeell, as we can all guess a couple hours later the nausea really kicked in and I was in a horrible panic, thinking of course this can't be it. I had awful d*, and was trying my best to deny the fact that I was going to get sick. Strange as this may seem I went out on the porch with the can, and thats where it happened the first time.

    The odd thing is I actually laughed after because I was amazed that thats what I had been so deathly afraid of all this time. Well it wasn't the last, I was sick probably about 20 times that night, and I just remember thinking how it sucked, and remembered how people would say that after you v* you usually feel better, and for the first time this was true, I did feel better after doing it, but then the feeling would come back and yeah. This was in July 2002, then I got another one Feb 2003, that one after inital panicking I handled it real well, amazingly well almost like I wasn't emet, and was sick 9 times, then Feb 2004 I got another one and was only sick like 3 times, and handled that one even better.

    So its been about 2 years, and the fear is still there, but not so bad. I think the hardest thing is hanging onto that feeling of "hey its okay I didn't die", thats one of the biggest things that helped get me through the sv's was positive self talk such as "I'm ok, I'm not dying, its ok". Its just hanging onto those okay feelings, because they slip away so quick and you can so easily end up back into being horribly afraid again. Edited by: Galadriel

  18. #18
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    Oh my God, I must stop reading this thread - it's freaking me out!!

    Sounds terrifying, this whole spontanious v* with no n*, being sick 10-20 times a night, loss of control!! Oh my God, how can we stop it? Where is Alvin? Can he tell us it will all be okay? How can we avoid these svs?

    - Sorry, I am in a panic now. It's awful. Uuurgh. [img]smileys/smilies_10.gif[/img][img]smileys/smilies_10.gif[/img]

  19. #19
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    Yes I know exactly how you feel. I feel the same way when it comes to a sv. Lots of it is the fear of just not knowing how many times it will happen. I haven't had once for a long time. The last time I got sick was my 21st birthday. Can't believe I let that happen. Even then I didn't really v_ just dry heaved and spit. It sucked just as bad though. I am now 18 weeks pregnant and managed to get throught the worst part without v_. Still seem to worry about it though. Personally I think that the mind has a LOT of control over v_. I am starting to think that there is amount of control you have to not let it happen as I have seemed to do many times. Not sure if there is complete control or not. [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

  20. #20
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    I had a sv* when I was little *knock on wood*--so my mom tells me but the last time I've v* *knock on wood* was when I was 7-8 years old...around 1998 or so.I don't know why I did though. I just remember that I felt n* all day long and gave in at night.
    <font color=PINK><center>Believe in Yourself</center></font>

  21. #21
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    This thread is SUPER freaking me out. Why do I keep reading it? Why do I have this morbid curiosity? Must be the emet in me.

  22. #22
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    It's very frightening to think that *it* could just happen - that's what scares me most about sv*s, total lack of control, like your body is taken over by something. I did think that if I v* for any reason I would lose the phobia and be *normal* again, but after reading this, I realise that it might even make things worse.

  23. #23
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    This thread is like watching a train wreck--you just can't turn away. It's scaring me a bit, but I'm still reading.

    The last time I had a sv was in 1992--I was 12. But I never v* from it. I was spending the weekend with my best friend at her Dad's house. I remember feeling fine and dandy Friday night and Saturday. On Saturday afternoon, we went to a Cleveland Indian's game. I think that might be where I caught it. Anyway, that night we ordered pizza and watched movies. I woke up Sunday morning around 6 am feeling super sick. I started crying and went into the bathroom. My best friend, bless her heart, came in with me and comforted me. Well, eventually her dad needed to take a shower, so my friend had me lay down in her bed. A minute or two later, I dry heaved and my friend ran for a bucket. I never got sick though. My dad came and picked me up and I slept most of the day. The next day, I had diarrhea. And that was it.

    The last time I remember v*, I was 7. It was Christmas morning. Again, I woke up around 6 am feeling sick. My mom gave me 7up and I tried to open some presents. I threw up on one of them! Ha! I got sick 3 times. Then, I felt completely better and even ate lunch and dinner without incident. It must have been one of those weird "kid things."

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  24. #24
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    LOL! Daffodil and HDogg, I agree, this thread is addictive - disturbing but addictive. It's like we don't want to read it but maybe there will be something important in it - like a cure for svs! Anyone got any ideas?[img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

    Yeah, I definately agree with the mind over matter thing too,the brain controls everything, so you can stop yourself feeling painby blocking it out, etc. Let's just do that if we ever feel n* - use the power of the brain! Unless you want to v* (not likely!)

  25. #25
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    That's interesting about the mind over matter thing... It made me think about a sv I got when I was like 15 or so. I woke up with severe n* and d*, and really thought I would v* several times. I was just saying to myself "if it's gonna happen, just let it happen and get it over with." My emet was not as bad at that time, but I was SCARED. It never happened. I was so close a few times, and was willing to let it happen. I have read other emet's stories where the same thing happened. Is this an emet thing?

  26. #26
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    The past two sv's that I've had I've been able to suppress the v*, it wasn't easy, and it was absolute misery, but I did it! The time I had my first memorable sv, I went from zero to 60 in about an hour. I remember eating dinner and going to bed not long after(I was a little kid) and after about 20 minutes of lying there, I felt like my stomach was feeling really full. Then it started to ache, and pretty soon, no change of position or stomach rubbing made it feel better. Then it became agonizing, then I v*ed. I then v*ed about 10 more times in a matter of a few hours! Ugh, it was awful. I'd caught it from a birthday party that I'd attended the afternoon of the day before. The next bad sv I caught that I caught from my son, it happened about a day and a half after infection, and lasted only about 6 hours. The average incubation period for most sv'sis about 2 days, though.



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