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  1. #1
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    May 2006
    United States


    Hey I am 18 weeks pregnant. This is my first child and I am due in October. I just wanted to speak with others that may be pregnant or already had children and see how labor was for them. I am concerned about this process with how bad my anxiety is. Also if any of you have taken anti-depressants while pregnant and what they were. I am on Effexor and Busbar. I am not able to take anything for panic or anxiety because my doctor told me not to take Xanax which has been HORRIBLE. Xanax works so well for me! Also if you guys got an Epidural and what your thoughts are on it. Thanks so much!


  2. #2
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    May 2006
    United States


    Have you had any morning sickness? Are you nervous about that? I want kids but scared of the morning sickness.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    HiAlwaysamber, and welcome!

    I have two boys and nobody could be more scared of childbirth than I was! It was taken out of my hands the first time, as my oldest was born (7 years ago yesterday actually!) by emergency Caesarean. It was scary because of the circumstances, but at no point did I v* or feel n*.

    Second time around, I asked for another Caesarian, but my consultant refused. I didn't think he would, because I was over 40 and had already had one! I don't know what I feared more- the birth, or v*ing during labour.

    Believe me when I say that labour wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I managed with gas and air up till i was 7cm dilated, then had an epidural. Again, I had no n* or v*. It's hard work, but 100% worth it!

    I'd heard that women can v* during labour, but that wasn't my experience and it was the same for my sister and my friends. Hope this has reassured you a little. There are lots of mums and mums-to-be here, so you'll have plenty of support!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    Hi Amber

    I am 10 weeks pregnant and am also very scared of child birth. This site is great for advise.

    Take care


    Today is the tomorrow I dreaded yesterday and I\'m ok.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    Congrats to Amber and Hayley: Hope you are both well and free from any morning sickness...that was my biggest fear. I took Zoloft for my first and Celexa for my 2nd....I researched both and they say it is better to be on them than to be depressed and emotional. However, don't take any tranquilizers or antianxiety meds. They are a no-no...it is difficult but just remind yourself it is for the new baby! As for labor, I had epidurals for both and also told my doc of my fear....He said I could have anti-emetics anytime. I had compazine and reglan.Definitely ask for something from your doc, and ask ahead of time!!!You will both be fine........take care and let us know. Andee</font>

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    My advice is: Get the epidural!!

    I had it with my first and delivery wasa breeze. With my second, it was too late so I had no epidural, and no painkillers whatsoever. It was intense pain for about 30 minutes. I decided right then that I wouldn't be having any more kids. Good news: no v* with either one!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    Congrats Amber and Haley!

    Some women can v* from the pain during labor, but if you get the epidural, you'll do great. I did not feel n* at all, AND the pain was so managable! I know alot of women feel strongly about natural child birth and no drugs - but having the epidural allows you to relax and focus on getting the baby here!

  8. #8
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    Apr 2004


    I didn't vomit with either of my kids. I had epidurals with both, but with the first, it was only 50% effective (so they told me) so i still had a ton of pain. it's scary but sooooooooooo worth it. and the good news is, you'll feel tons better the second that baby comes out of you. literally.
    <font size=\"4\"><font color=MAGENTA><font face=\"Times New Roman, Times, serif\">It can, and does, get better with time.</font></font></font>

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I didn't v* w/ any of my 3 kids. I had epidurals with 2 of them and 1 w/o. I actually felt so much better afterward with my 2nd baby, which was my delivery w/o drugs. I think that if I decide to have #4 I am going to go epidural-less!! Good luck and congratulations!!

  10. #10
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    United Kingdom


    Thanks for the congratulatiosn. Sorry to jump on the thread again but did any of you take anti-emetics whilst pregnant? I have spent most of the day in tears because my nausea has been at its peak this week and I have taken a metoclopramide tablet once everyday for the last 3 days. I spoke to my doctor about it when I first found out I was pregnant and he said no at first and then only in emergencies. I haven't come close to being sick but it is a feeling of needing to gag which is terrifying me because if I started I don't know how I would stop it. I am terrified. I hate feeling like this but I hate the thought of doing any harm to the baby although the stress I feel when it gets really bad could potentially harm the baby as much as the tablet. Edited by: Hale
    Today is the tomorrow I dreaded yesterday and I\'m ok.

  11. #11
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    Aug 2004
    United States


    Never been pregnant so don't know about morning sickness from person experience but I have heard two things that sound interesting:
    1) cola syrup (emetrol in US) is supposedly safe for pregnant mothers, as is something called morning magic or something like that
    2) a friend of mine, an emetophobe who ended up recovering due to the constant v* during pregnancy told me that what she finally discovered to stop the v* was to set an alarm clock for like 3am and drink a nutrion drink like those diet shake - full meal in a can - then go back to sleep. she stopped v* right away.
    Hope this helps!

  12. #12
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    I have had two babies, no v* with either pregnancy or delivery. One was medicated (pitocin to induce, and fentanyl in the IV for pain) and the second was natural. I will say I felt a little n* at transition, but never came close to v*, and it passed quickly.

  13. #13
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    I've got three little ones. I had an epidural with my first. My second was an emergency c-section, after which I declined any and all pain medication, even Advil, for fear it would make me v*. This was at the height of my phobia. And my third was a vbac (vaginal birth after cesarean) with another epidural. The epidurals worked great and no n* or v*, although with my little girl, the most recent, I asked the doctor for some anti-emetics in my iv. He obliged with phenegran (sp?), and even though I did have a panic attack, my stomach felt just fine, which is really great since when I do panic n* is my worst symptom. I hope this helped.

  14. #14
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    I will be going through labor in about 6 weeks, so I will let you know how it goes then! For now, what I know is that the reason epidurals make some women n* and/or v* is because they can drop your blood pressure if given too quickly. I am not too concerned with this because I know how my body reacts to low blood pressure and although it isn't fun, I haven't v*d from it.

    At 34 weeks pregnant (almost) I have to tell you that you get to the point where you just don't care anymore. I am so uncomfortable - my feet and hands are swollen, my back is killing me, I can't stand, sit or lie down without pain somewhere. Since the baby has dropped some I now have to pee even more often than before. Soemtimes it seems like I will never be able to leave the bathroom. Although I loved feeling every movement at first, the baby's kicks are starting to get painful. They aren't so much kicks anymore as stretches that seem like her foot is going to shoot out of my stomach.

    Don't get me wrong, I do not regret one minute of this pregnancy and I would most definitely do it again (I plan on having one or two more). Her kicks, no matter how painful, reassure me that she is doing well in there. I want to carry her as long as I have to so to make sure that she is completely healthy. However, when the time comes to deliver, I think it will be such a relief to get my body back that I can handle a day or so of unpleasantness. I intend on getting an epidural and I also will be asking for some anti-emetics "just in case." My doctor already knows about my phobia and was supportive during the beginning when I was concerned about morning sickness. I know she will be understanding about fears of v* during labor too.

    I hope my venting didn't scare anyone away from pregnancy. Like I said, I love the fact that I am having a baby and all in all my pregnancy has been really easy. The end just gets a little uncomfortable and I am anxious to meet my little girl.

    Good luck to all the other emet moms to be out there! I will let you all know how my labor and delivery goes when the time comes. Edited by: sillygirl

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I am 35 weeks pregnant. This is my 4th baby.

    I have taken Zoloft this entire pregnancy. I am an anxious person as well, but when I am pregnant I dont have too much problem with anxiety - I am glad for that!!

    I have gotten epidurals with all my past pregnancies with no problem what-so-ever. I plan on getting one with this one too. The only problem I have is my blood pressure going down to the point where they have to give me something to raise it back up.

    As far as morning sickness...I have pretty much had to take something this whole pregnancy due to nausea (a lot). Some of it now is due to me having low blood pressure. My BP has been running on average of 92/55. When I stand up it goes lower and causes dizziness and nausea. With my 1st pregnancy I v* 2 times. With this pregnancy I have had some 'gagging' episodes. Especially when I brush my teeth.

    Anyway...I am like Sillygirl. I am just ready to get this done. In a sense I am sad its almost over because this is my last pregnancy. I am done after this.

    Oh yea...I have never v* during labor. I did however get nauseous with my 2nd baby during pushing but it quickly went away.

    I wish you lots of luck and a happy and healthy 9 months.[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]Edited by: madisonsmom

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2006
    United States


    Thank you so much for all the replies. I did have morning sickness and horrible anxiety although I got through it without ever v_!! I am hoping it will be that way during birth. Your stories are a comfort!! I just had a recent scare....this is a little personal and humorous... I had to pee really bad and have a BM. I went to the toilet and knew it would be very difficult to push it out...sorry a bit graphic but just about pooing. I had to push so hard that it made me sick. I actually felt like I went through the motions of being sick but did actually get sick..did that twice...if that makes sense. Anyone experiance this? I only did while pregnant but this last time was traumatizing. [img]smileys/smilies_10.gif[/img] I am so afraid that is how birth will be?!


  17. #17
    Join Date
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    United States


    I just had a baby boy 2 months ago and I am terribly emetaphobic. While I was nauseated throughout my pregnancy, I never v'ed. (Probably because I would not let myself.) During labor, I felt fine. I had an epidural. However, when I had to have a C-section, I asked for an anti-emetic because I heard that some of the drugs they give you during the procedure can make you v. I was fine. Then of course I worried that my baby spitting up would freak me out, but again, I'm just fine with it. Good luck to you!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    Hi there --

    I am 7 weeks preg and just saw my doctor three days ago. Since I had
    already had a prescription for reglan, I told her about it and she said it
    was ok to take. She said it is being prescribed more regularly now for
    nausea and v* in pregnancy, but to take it only if needed. Sometimes I
    take only half a tablet and it works just as well (5mg).I am terrified of
    labor V*ing but will just keep asking for reglan until I get it

    Does anyone know if the morning sickness (all day sickness) get worse up
    to 10 weeks? I have read that all over the internet, but anyone I ask who's
    been pregnant doesn't agree. I am 7 now and terrified that this awful
    nausea and seasick feeling will worsen.

    Good luck!

  19. #19
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    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by karenanna
    Does anyone know if the morning sickness (all day sickness) get worse up to 10 weeks? I have read that all over the internet, but anyone I ask who's been pregnant doesn't agree.

    I think it's different for everyone so it's hard to say if it will get worse. I never really had morning sickness, but was kind of n* at times. I don't really remember any dramatic changes in it getting worse or better. Some days were worse than others, and when it eventually went away, it wasn't like an overnight thing. I just was getting less and less of it and then one day I noticed it was gone. I wouldn't worry too much about it getting worse. I think that most of the people that have it really bad (lots of n* and v*) are pretty much that way from the beginning. If you haven't been that way yet, you probably won't be.

  20. #20
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    I hate to say it but it seemed like I noticed feeling poorly until 15 to 17 weeks. I never v_. Some of it was caused by anxiety but just recently is when I am really noticing a differance with how I am feeling. I am enjoying feeling much better now. Today I am 19 weeks. It is very different for everyone! Some days were much worse then others. I don't if you experience feeling like you are going to gag but that feeling does go away!! I hated that sooo much!

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    United States


    Karenanna- I dont think mine got worse per say...just didnt go away!

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by alwaysamber
    Thank you so much for all the replies. I did have morning sickness and horrible anxiety although I got through it without ever v_!! I am hoping it will be that way during birth. Your stories are a comfort!! I just had a recent scare....this is a little personal and humorous... I had to pee really bad and have a BM. I went to the toilet and knew it would be very difficult to push it out...sorry a bit graphic but just about pooing. I had to push so hard that it made me sick. I actually felt like I went through the motions of being sick but did actually get sick..did that twice...if that makes sense. Anyone experiance this? I only did while pregnant but this last time was traumatizing. [img]smileys/smilies_10.gif[/img] I am so afraid that is how birth will be?!


    I am so sorry, but I did not entirely understand - you were pushing to poop and then got sick? Or you started gagging but nothing came out? sorry, just a bit confused.

  23. #23
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    Sorry, I know it was a bit difficult to understand. The best way to describe it was I had a BM that I knew would be difficult to push out...being that the poo was really solid. I had to contract really hard to get it out which made my stomach contract( like it would if you were going to v_). I guess from pushing so hard it made me gag but not where you could hear...it was an inside gag...lol...sorry trying my best here.

  24. #24
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    United States


    I had at first decided never to have children. I was so scared that I would have a horrible pregnancy and would be v*ingduring my whole pregnancy. Long story short I gave birth to my son 2 years ago. I told my doctor that I wanted to have a c-section. I did not want to go through all the hours that could be involved with labor. The main reason was because I was concerned I would go into panic. I dont like not being in control of a situation. I felt with a c-section I was somewhat in control. Anyways it was the BEST choice I have ever made. I was able to pick the day...so I had no contractions. My husband and I woke up feeling great (no panic) got in the car drove to the hospital I went in to get my IV fluids at 6:30 am at 8:00 I went in for surgery 12 minutes later Zachary was born 8:40 I was out of the operating room in recovery. It was the best experience. I felt great, I was in the hospital for 3 nights. Sure your stomach is sore but it quickly goes away. I really beleive all the horror stories involved with c-sections are from women who have already gone through hours of labor to no success. Mine was a dream and I would recommend a planned c-section for anyone.

    Now the big problem for me is....kids get sick alot Just get ready for that...not much you can do to prevent it and they always want mommie!!!! Good luck with your pregnancy and congratulations....being a mom isthe best gift in the world!

  25. #25
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    I am 15 weeks pregnant and just wanted to tell you that I had all day
    sickness from week 5 until about week 11. I did not V* but I felt
    seasick all day. I think my worst weeks were weeks 5-8 because I
    didn't know what to expect and I was terrified to V* (which I
    thankfully never did!) Once I got used to the feeling I still felt sick but
    learned that If I kept something in my stomach such as crackers,
    pasta, plain chicken, or egg whites I felt better. The first few weeks I
    was terrified to eat anything other than crackers and broth because I
    thought I would V*. I am still scared that I will V* during delivery and
    I am definately getting an epidural because I am also terrified of the
    pain associated with birth. This topic has helped me though because I
    see how many women went through the birthing process and didn't
    V*, so thanks to you ladies for posting those stories and good luck to
    all of you!

  26. #26
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    United States


    I forgot to mention I wors Sea Band accupressure bands for the first 11
    weeks of my pregnancy and they really helped ease the nausea a bit.

  27. #27
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    United States


    Thank you all for your kind words! I feel SOOO much more at ease. I still have bad days but those seem to be related to bad anxiety. I am just ready to get this over with. You all have helped so much to ease my mind. Thank you for that.xoxox


  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    United Kingdom


    Hi Alwaysamber,,,

    congrats on your pregnancy,,

    i have 4 kids,,i have had an epidural with all 4 of them,,my first was absolutley fine,,my second was over in 4 hours,my 3rd was great fine also,,my 4th wasnt as good as the other 3 but i had to be induced as i was 12days overdue,,while in labour i did feel faint and n* a few times but i also have panic attacks,,my bp was very low too so it couldve been either the IV that made me n* or the epidural or the low bp or i couldve been feeling panicky,,but i never felt i needed to v*,,just uncomfortable n*,

    i have only ever v* once while being preg and that was when i was expecting my daughter (whos now8) i got up with my son and started making him porridge for his breakfast and within seconds i started to dry heave then i had to run to the loo,,i think ive been very lucky with morning sickness to be able to have 4 kids and only v* once,,

    you will be fine,,believe me once you are in labour the thought of the new baby and the excitment will keep the worry of n* and v* out of your mind,,goodluck xx

  29. #29
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    United States


    Thanks for all the suggestions. I am finishing up week 8 and have had some
    pretty bad days. I think part of it is the fear of not knowing, like lcm75 said.
    - I am just afraid it will keep gettting worse and worse... So far I can
    manage it (barely at some moments) but if it continues to progress I will
    freak... [img]smileys/smilies_03.gif[/img]

    I am now drinking lots of ginger tea, wearing sea bands (thanks ) and
    eating something every hour on the hour. keeping something in my
    stomach has been helping too. This is so darn nerve wracking. I am afraid
    to go to sleep, afraid to wake up, afraid to go to work...I know its different
    for everyone, but I can't wait till this N* gets the hell out of dodge.

  30. #30
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    I hear you Karen. You have a ways to go. Just a note on the ginger tea. Make sure you are not drinking a whole lot of that. Doctors say that it's all natural but that is not always really good for you. This is a little info on teas...

    Can I safely drink herbal brews?

    Probably, but be careful. Many women avoid all drugs during pregnancy, swearing off caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and prescription and over-the-counter medications. But they think nothing of drinking cup after cup of herbal tea. If this sounds like you, realize that despite marketing claims that herbal teas are "all natural" and "health tonics," they could be harmful, especially if you drink too much. High doses of herbs can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and heart palpitations.

    Herbs are drugs — often powerful ones. In some cultures, women take herbal potions to terminate pregnancies. Taking any drug during pregnancy or while breastfeeding is potentially harmful — no matter how natural its origin — so check with your healthcare provider and see what she recommends.

    Anyway just a thought to keep in mind. I keep ginger tea around and enjoyed it in the beginning of pregnancy. Now I drink it only here and there. I know the first baby is scary...I am 20 weeks now and just not knowing what to expect is difficult. Hang in there. I found that on days that were really hard I would hold on to something small I bought for the baby and reflect...if you know what I mean..makes it feel more real and seems to help you feel better. Good luck...let me know if you have an questions!



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