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Thread: Jeremy Kyle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United Kingdom ( worcestershire )


    I got a reply from the Jeremy kyle show. They just gave me the address of three internet sites and told me that cbt treatment can be obtained from the doctor and local health authority.

    There isn't a web site that i haven't been to over the years. As for the doctor she smiled at me when i said i had emet a few weeks ago as she has never heard of it.

    Twenty years ago ( i'm 45 now)i started to go through the mentalhealth system, i saw umpteen therapists over the years all who had never heard of it and had no idea how to treat it. The last time i was referred a worker at the hospital said here we go again that i was a waste of time as i would only come up with a different problem after treatment. Thats because emet has lots of other related problems to it like agrophobia and not eatingso ihad become well known in the mental health department. AllI was offered wasto go into a music group to play a tambourine( she got into trouble for her remarks don't worry as i reported her)

    I have paid two hypnotherapists for cbt but it didn't do anything for me. All i did was relive my childhood there was no feed back to it.

    I don't know what to do or where to go any more.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Re: Jeremy Kyle

    I watched that too. I saw a lady who had it, come back completely over it. There was a lady on that same show, who also needed to be cured from it. I have been a sufferer since a very early childhood. If anyone felt sick, i would beg them not to be, if they were, i would curl up in a ball and clog my ears as much as possibe, not that it helped. Unlike a spider phobia, people cannot be put out of the window. I'm nearly 50 now. I married, but explained what i was like to my husband, he doesn't quite understand it. I had children, but not through birth. (unexplained infertility). I f they are ill, i go to pieces. I have left the house to walk the streets, my husband is always there. I have had such bad panic attacks, i've landed up in an Ambulance. I can't go near people who are ill. I can't ask them if they are well, as i feel too close still, and don't like using the word. I walk out on T.v programmes. Have thrown out sheets, clothes, that bring the memory back. I have changed the cuttlery draw around to try and remove the memory of an illness day. I am terrified to be sick, terrified of other's. I even stop eating and drinking. I didn't eat for a whole week or drink when my family picked up a bug in Cornwall, once they were all o.k, it took a lot of persuasion to get food into my mouth. That frightened me altogether, thinking i couldn't face eating or drinking again. I have no idea where it has come from, non of my family are sufferers, so they don't undestand either. I feel guilty and a faliure as a mother, and they would be so much better off if i wasn't there. If i ever come back in another life, i hope to be a Rat, they can't vomit, o.k i'll probably get poisoned!



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