Hello everyone, I am new to this forum. I used to belong to a forum
long ago (not this one) but my nasty ex boyfriend broke into my email
and found out about my emet & made fun of me!!! So I never really
wanted to join one again. But I do feel like I should tell everyone my

First of all my last experience with V* was 8 years ago when I was 13.
I had eaten taco bell, and got sick off of their beef (probably a big
reason that prompted me to become vegetarian since then!) taco. Anyway,
I was aware then that I hated to V* and waited out the whole night with
the runs . That morning, it sort of just CAME. Just once, and I was
fine, I squeezed my eyes shut and let it come. After that, I didn't V*
for these past 8 years. I would do anything to stop myself from it!
Peppermints are what I use the most to "prevent" it. I'd sometimes fall
asleep with those in my mouth, risking choking! So you can tell my
anxiety on this subject was pretty bad. It started to get better,
however, a few years ago. I'd only be nauseated a few times a year and
I could keeep it under "control".


Well, a few weeks ago, it was a normal weekend..and on a Sunday morning
I woke up with the runs & thought nothing of it even though it was
6am. It was pretty powerful I must say, and i wasn't nauseated at all.
I went back to bed, and had to keep getting up to have the runs...I
didn't think much of it. After about the 5th or 6th time though (it was
probably around 11am by then), I started to feel nauseated. I couldn't
tell if it was because of the feeling ofhaving the runs was getting to
me or (sorry!) the smell, or because I was just plain sick. In any
case, I started sucking on Peppermints like there was no tomorrow! My
boyfriend kept calling me and at some point I had to sit up because the
nausea was so overwelming & it felt weird to lay down and talk to
him. I had to hang up the phone because I thought I'd vomit for sure by
then. My mouth was getting all watery, but I willed myself not to. I
lay back down for a while, felt asleep here and there...got up to use
the bathroom again, and felt sicker than ever. I sat at the edge of my
bed, sweating and getting panicked and then crawled back in bed,
squeezing my eyes shut so I could fall back asleep again. By around
one, my body had had enough I think. I had enough. I sat up and my
mouth watered like crazy, I knew it would happen. I jumped out of bed
and ran to the bathroom, even though I had a few moments before it
came. I closed my eyes and aimed for the toilet and just cried and
threw up, and cried and threw up. Haha, a bit ridiculous wouldn't you
say?? I felt so dumb, my dad walked in to see his 21 year old daughter
crying like she was in labor ...just simply vomitting in the toilet. He
brought me chamomile.

I felt a bit better after that. Shaky but better. THe runs continued,
and I drifted in and out of sleep. I ate dry toast and had tea and
water. By around 6pm, I felt that familiar feeling and ran to the
bathroom again. I cried a little this time, but not as much, and it
wasn't so bad! After that, I felt it was over and I slept so well for
the rest of the night.

I have to say, that the anxiety is MUCH WORSE than the actual
vomitting. THe vomitting is not pleasant but the feelings beforehand
are what trigger that panic mode. If I could vomit, anyone can. I never
really pinpointed what made me sick but I don't really care anymore.
All that matters is that I was sick, I threw up, I got better. That
it's temporary. That I felt better after. Think about it, you're
healthy 365 days a year most years (well most of us emets are) and one
or two days of being sick (in that way) isn't SO BAD! We worry
ourselves sick 97% of the time, and what for?? IT never even happens!
It's rare! And it's not a big deal!

That's my thinking about all of this. I am hoping and praying I can
remember it the next time I am sick. I don't want this to control me