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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Today my stomach is just off. I didn't have anything at home to bring to work for breakfast, so I didn't eat like usual. I finally decided to go get something out of the vending machine, aso I bought a Twix candy bar (not a good breakfast, I know). I have drank almost a whole bottle of Propel water this morning. I don't know if this is just from having a bunch of water in my system and no food or what, but my intestines are gurgling and churning this morning. I tried going to the bathroom to see if it would help, but it didn't. I'm afraid I am coming down with something. On Wednesday, a friend of mine at work apparently wasn't feeling well. I didn't find out until yesterday, and on Wednesday we went to lunch together and everything. She said she felt really sick all morning, but felt better after she ate lunch. That alone doesn't scare me too much, but her husband was also sick on Wednesday, but worse. He wasn't able to eat anything at all Wednesday and felt like he was going to v* all day. He was fine on Thursday though. They tried to figure out what they had both eaten, but the only thing they came up with was ice cream and the kids had it too and were fine.

    So, I am afraid maybe it was a bug that she has now passed on to me. We took my car on Wednesday to lunch and although I used my hand sanitizer like always before eating, I probably wasn't too careful. I actually did well not worrying about it yesterday when she told me, but now that I am feeling bad I am starting to worry. I hope this isn't the start of something.

    Ugh! It won't stop! It sounds and feels awful - like liquid is just sloshing around in there. What is wrong with me?!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    It doesnt sound like a bug to me. Its probably from all the water you drank and not eating (except the Twix bar).

    I hear gurgling all the time. I can almost bet you will be just fine.

    BTW, hows the pregnancy going? Not too much longer!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    I am so ready to be done! How about you?

    I've been having some cramping/pressure so hopefully things are starting to move along. I was at the doctor on Wednesday, and so far I am not dialated or effaced at all. My cervix is still long and closed, but is starting to soften a little bit. I guess it's still early, so I have plenty of time for htings to change. I have a little over 5 weeks until my due date, but I am hoping I don't have to go that long. My back is killing me, so are my feet (and boy are they swollen!) I think my stomach is running out of room for food because everytime I eat anything substantial I feel horrible. I just can't get comfortable in any position anymore and it is so darn hot here! Usually this time of year it is in the low 80's or so, but lately it has been in the uper 90's for a couple of weeks. It is so miserable! My mom doesn't have air conditioning, so I am just roasting. I can't wait until our new house is done!

    I am also a little worried that the baby has flipped in there. She has been head down for several weeks now, but last night and this morning I have felt the hiccups higher up, toward my ribs. I'm still feeling her foot in the same place though and she keeps pushing up in my ribs, so maybe something was just sitting funny. I am scared she is going to be breech and I will have to have a c-section. I guess by that point though, I will be so ready to be done I won't care how she comes out as long as she does!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    It's probably a combo of not really eating much with alot of water and being uncomfortable because of the baby. It really doesn't sound like a sv*. My tummy did alot of gurgling before my son was born. What is your due date?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    I just ate lunch so we'll see how that goes.

    I am due July 17. Only 5 weeks and 3 days!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I have like 3 weeks and 5 days until my due date. The doctor checked me this past Thursday (Had that group B strep test done) and I am not dilated, cervix is long but also starting to soften. We still have a little more time to be miserable in our large glory. I too am having lots of pressure like she is head butting my pubic bone. I also get really miserable if I eat too much. I know what you mean about the swollen feet andback ache. I pee like every hour and a half. Gotta love it. We will miss it though when its over. I always do!

    This is my last so I am TRYING to enjoy it (yea right) [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]Edited by: madisonsmom

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    sillygirl and madisonsmom,

    Enjoy it because I would give anything to be in your shoes!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    I had that group B strep test done at 34 weeks. I thoguht they usually did that later, so I hope it doesn't mess anything up with her doing it early. It makes me wonder if my doc really is considering inducing early. SHe is going on vacation during my 39 and 40th weeks, so I wonder if she is planning on inducing me before she leaves. She is concerned about me having a large baby because I am so small (although from what I here a lot of small women have had large babies just fine). I am getting my last ultrasound either this week or next. She said it was up to me which week because my husband wants to go and I'm not sure which appointment he will be able to make it to. I think he is going to go to the one this week though, so I am excited that I might now about how big she is in a couple of days. On the other hand, waiting until later may be more accurate in terms of actual birth weight, but who knows.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States



    I am sorry you are not pregnant yet. I take it you are still trying? Are you charting? I am sure it will happen soon for you!


    That must be exciting to get another u/s. My last one was 20 weeks. My babies average about 8 lbs 10 ozs. My doctor said this one will probably be the same. I am sure your fine having your GBS at 34 weeks.



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