Hi all, I know this thread is quite dated but I was searching on the forum for something along the lines of a stomach cleanse and this is one of the only ones I've found so far. I wanted to put in my 2 cents about inducing therapy (great wording for it BTW).

There is a practice called kunjal kriya or vaman dhauti (part of a larger practice of hatha and kriya yogas) that is a cleansing of the stomach with warm salt water in the morning. It's said to rid the mucous along the esophagus and help digestion. I've tried it 3 times over the course of 2 years and never actually vomited. (Strong stomach like Josie maybe?) On my road to living with emet, this practice seems to be most useful as I feel in control of the situation even though I haven't been successful yet. It HAS been over a year and half since my last attempt but I will try again. 4th time is the charm??

Anyway, just wanted to put the info out there for anyone looking to try inducing therapy and wants options.