Well I am sure with all the kind words and Ideas my suggestions aren't too big here BUT here goes.

First things first think about your beauty on the inside over what is on the outside. Stand tall be proud of who you are. WTG on trying something new I mean how is one to know whether it will work or not if you don't try it out. I mean I permed mine ones and O,,M...G I will never do it again but I tried it. It IS only hair.

You can get streams added, extentions added or you can go back to a stylist and ask that they try a few different styles and show you how to do it. Bobbypins, those mini alligator clips and elastic headbands all are wonderful. Maybe get a few lays put in so it isn't just a blunt chin length, bangs. Its all good and I am sure it will all BE good.

The cute guy obviously had taken notice about you before and paid attention to the fact that you got something done so YAY on that eh?

Anyways Big hugs and take care