Okay a few days ago, or last week, or something I made a topic called "Proove Me Wrong" YES I KNOW I MISPELLED IT! But who hasn't mispelled something when they were mad, it was a mistake I'm an idiot lets move on.

I had a talk with A LOT of people about the situation that I was in, what I went through, all of that. Some people actually came back to me with racist comments and said a few demeaning things where I actually went "Woah that's not right" Others challenged my ideas and some even said to me that I'm not a racist because I was feeling bad for what I said, how I presented it, and what came of it.

This is just a formal appology to anyone who got upset by that post. I'm really sorry, and I have realized over the past few days that NO I'm not racist. I have racist friends but you know what I'm not going to tell them that they are wrong because NO OPINION is wrong, no matter how stupid. If you want to have a bad opinion about a different race, or sex, or sexual orientation, then be my guest I don't have to agree with you I'm not the thought police.

Everyone I am totally sorry! So so so so so SORRY! Please don't think I'm a racist I really don't want people to think that about me, cause I'm not. I just got mad and wanted people to blame, and I realize now that in part my attitude was also the problem in this situation. So once again, SORRY!
