i bet people get sick of new member introductions, but i thought i'd
just say hi anyways. i'm 18 years old, and i've been an emet my
whole life, but it just started getting worse these past few months.
i've been dealing with pretty bad panic attacks, and have been
house-bound for the past 7 months. i'm on zoloft, and it's open a few
doors, but not as many as i would like. lately, i've been having little
to no problem with my attacks, because i found it's all emet related.
i've been dealing with it by eating less than normal, and only eating
comfort foods when i feel comfortable. i havnt had a panic attack in
weeks, but i know the road im taking isnt healthy either. i look at it
just as another chapter in my story of figuring out my fears. though,
it's gotten so bad, that if i had a choice i'd cut out eating all together.
i'm currently working with my doctor to help with my "eating
disorder", but it's going to take time. it's just no food, it's basically
anything i put into my stomach, including medications, so thats sortof
hard. i'm afraid that anything i put in there will make me v*.
anyways. so that's me, and thanks for welcoming me, hopfully i'll be
able to give some support as well as recieve.