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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    United States


    Hello everyone. I'm new and I've suffered from emets for over 20 years.
    Recently, I landed an awesome job as a nanny. I am thrilled and for the
    first time, making my bills and living comfortably, while nannying for a 4
    year old boy that I absolutely adore.
    The thing is, given the age of the child, the fact that he is heading to
    preschool come fall, etc, I NEED to get over this phobia in case he gets
    sick. I am unable to afford any sort of therapy (yet), but need to know,
    has anyone overcome their emets? What did it take? Anyone ever tried
    "flooding" and what was your reaction? Is it different when children are
    involved (like your reflexes just kick in and you go on autopilot?) PLEASE
    someone share something with me to help me stay strong if this situation
    occurs. I have even considered actually quitting the job. I am deathly
    afraid of this situation and am desperately seeking advice/help.
    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    I used to babysit this girl who always said she felt sick, and it was terrible for me! But my therapist gave me some tips. One thing she said was to bring a handkerchief or something and spray it with yoru favorite perfume and keep it in your purse, and if the kid gets sick put it over your mouth and nose and it will shield that part of your face from the spray and the smell. My therapist also believes that I would kick into gear if the kid were to get sick, no matter how afriad i am. I didn't believe this at first, but this thing happened where this little boy i was babysitting started screaming from the bathroom and I was so sure that he had thrown up but I still ran in there (it turns out he had pooped all over the floor, and would later have diarrhea all over the floor upstairs) So i believe that you would be able to deal with the little boy, especially if you're the only one in the house able to help him.

    My therapist also told me to take an anti-anxiety med. called lorazepam when i felt nervous over there. I guess if the medicine makes you drowsy and not fully functional, this could be a big problem when you're nannying, but the medicine just calmed me down a little (if it does anything at all..usually i don't feel much), and I actually didn't take it the night of the pooping incident because i was rushing around so much and didn't have time to be nervous once I got going.

    hope this helps a bit!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    United Kingdom


    when i used to babysit i was constanltly afraid of one of the kids waking up feeling sick... and one time it actually happened, i panicked at first but with no where else to turn you have to get on with it. It wasn't like an automatic caring thing with me, i just pushed through and had a panic attack later lol... is it different with your own kids i wonder.. ?

    i think you have to remember that kids aren't ALWAYS sick and you cant let emets steal this oppurtunity from you. If something does happen that you find hard to deal with maybe then you should rethink. but give it a chance first.

    I say all this sounding really confident lol... good luck anyway
    better to burn out than to fade away

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    United States


    I was a teacher for four years and I am a pretty bad emetophobe. Just my luck, I was always the teacher who got the ill students- I had many incidents of barfing those four years. When confronted with a child throwing up, I almost always went into "Auto-pilot teacher-in-charge" mode and dealt with it properly. I ALWAYS became shaky, pale, almost getting sick myself, but I always hid it (mostly) from the kids and didn't faint. I'm actually very, very proud that I didn't totally lose it whilst teaching.

    Afterwards I always was very traumatized- not eating for days, feeling dizzy... but still I managed. I mean, I really had no where to turn- I had to do my job.Edited by: asher

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by asher

    I was a teacher for four years and I am a pretty bad emetophobe. Just my luck, I was always the teacher who got the ill students- I had many incidents of barfing those four years. When confronted with a child throwing up, I almost always went into "Auto-pilot teacher-in-charge" mode and dealt with it properly. I ALWAYS became shaky, pale, almost getting sick myself, but I always hid it (mostly) from the kids and didn't faint. I'm actually very, very proud that I didn't totally lose it whilst teaching.

    Afterwards I always was very traumatized- not eating for days, feeling dizzy... but still I managed. I mean, I really had no where to turn- I had to do my job.


    I'm curious---did you ever catch anything from the kids when they v*? I always wondered that of teachers. You teachers are very brave!![img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    I can vouch for the going-on-autopilot thing. When my kids have done "it" I have managed to handle it, then had a private freakout later, after the initial shock wore off.
    If you like this job, stick with it, and see how it goes IF the dreaded happens.[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I am an elementary school teacher and I've babysat many many times in my life, so I get it! Luckily, I have not had too many incidents, but one thing I suggest is talking to the family you work for about it. I worked for a family once and the mom was so sweet about it, and never made me babysit if the kids were sick.

    Good luck; you can do it!!

    "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by californiagirl

    Ashser, </font>

    I'm curious---did you ever catch anything from the kids when they v*? I always wondered that of teachers. You teachers are very brave!![img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]</font>
    No, I never actually touched the v* and I never even really let the sick kids near me. I cleaned the classroom door handles and desks with harsh chemicals and never was ill.

    Other teachers did catch stuff from the kids because they weren't careful enough with the germs, I guess? I'm really really careful and I am hardly ever sick- never even colds or anything.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    Years and Years ago I was a nanny for two kids. Other then the fact that they were sheltered little brats who weren't allowed to use the word "Booger" or "Snot" without getting a spanking, one of them would force himself to throw up to get attention. I don't know where I'm going with this story cause I got myself fired from the job by yelling at the mother and telling her that her kids were going to get their asses beat when they finally started PUBLIC school, but when the kid would throw up it things really kicked in and I just did what I had to do. But I guess it was easier for me cause I knew he was just doing it for attention, so maybe I'm not that much of a help.

    I would also like to add that NO I am NOT just randomly bitchy to people. I knew the lady who I was being a nanny for VERY well and I HATED HER to DEATH but I NEEDED the money. I lasted 2 weeks, one day the kids were being really whiny and I let them have candy for lunch instead of regular lunch. it was ONE instance in a week and a half of GOOD Things that I did. Anyway I told them not to tell their mom (In my expereince ALL of the kids that I ever did that for would tell a little white lie and not tell, I don't do things like this a lot so don't yell at me) Anyway as soon as the kid's mother got home he totally spilled his guts and told her that I told them to lie and that he was going to hell for thinking about lying.

    So then I got all this religious crap thrown in my face and that's when all the mean crap came out of my mouth.

    Funny story, about 3 years later the same woman invited us to her condo in Florida for a week and she got drunk and totally went off on me. She got me to the point of almost punching her (I didn't don't worry) And my family hasn't talked to her since.

    What was my point? LoL I guess I'm just saying what everyone else is saying, when you need to do something you do it and then panic later.


    PS: Sorry for the long rabling post.
    David Duchovny I want you to love me
    To kiss and to hug me, debrief and debug me
    David Duchovny I know you could love me
    I\'m sweet and I\'m cuddly-I\'m gonna kill Scully!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by samara's on tv

    Years and Years ago I was a nanny for two kids. Other then the fact that they were sheltered little brats who weren't allowed to use the word "Booger" or "Snot" without getting a spanking, one of them would force himself to throw up to get attention. I don't know where I'm going with this story cause I got myself fired from the job by yelling at the mother and telling her that her kids were going to get their asses beat when they finally started PUBLIC school, but when the kid would throw up it things really kicked in and I just did what I had to do. But I guess it was easier for me cause I knew he was just doing it for attention, so maybe I'm not that much of a help.

    I would also like to add that NO I am NOT just randomly bitchy to people. I knew the lady who I was being a nanny for VERY well and I HATED HER to DEATH but I NEEDED the money. I lasted 2 weeks, one day the kids were being really whiny and I let them have candy for lunch instead of regular lunch. it was ONE instance in a week and a half of GOOD Things that I did. Anyway I told them not to tell their mom (In my expereince ALL of the kids that I ever did that for would tell a little white lie and not tell, I don't do things like this a lot so don't yell at me) Anyway as soon as the kid's mother got home he totally spilled his guts and told her that I told them to lie and that he was going to hell for thinking about lying.

    So then I got all this religious crap thrown in my face and that's when all the mean crap came out of my mouth.

    Funny story, about 3 years later the same woman invited us to her condo in Florida for a week and she got drunk and totally went off on me. She got me to the point of almost punching her (I didn't don't worry) And my family hasn't talked to her since.

    What was my point? LoL I guess I'm just saying what everyone else is saying, when you need to do something you do it and then panic later.


    PS: Sorry for the long rabling post.

    This is going to be off-topic off-topic too---your post reminded me of when I used to babysit this holy terror of a brat named Lindsay. She was 3 years old, and SUCH a brat!!!! Ugh! OK, please don't get me wrong here, because I do like kids (don't want any more though), but really cannot stand bratty kids! Anyways, I used to BBSit her in my house, and I had a kitten. She decided one day, that she was gonna run over my kitten with her tricycle while looking at me at the same time, as if to say, "....so what are you gonna do about it....." !!!! Well, I got pi**ed, walked over to her, and "accidentally" knocked her off her bike! Her mom came to pick her up shortly after that and lindsay was still crying, so I told her mom that she fell. DISCLAIMER: She did not get hurt, my intention was not to hurt her, I am NOT a child abuser, I reacted to seeing my kitten's neck under the tire of her bike, and she was just a little stinkin' brat! I would never intentionally hurt a kid, but I will protect what's mine, and my little kitty was totally helpless! Man, kids DO test your patience, huh????

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    United States


    OMG CaliforniaGirl, that's great. I totally understand losing it and "knocking" her off her bike... I am so absolutely protective of my cats, if a child was going to hurt one of them... oh boy.

    Actually one of our cats LOVES children and loves to have his tail yanked, fur pulled, and dragged around by his paws, by my little step-brothers and sisters... he likes the abuse.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Poor kitty! Did he turn out to be all right after that incident? I don't think anyone thinks less of you for reacting the way you did. I probably would too!

    I have only baby-sat recently--never did as a teenager--and I enjoy it. Kids are really fun and you can give them back at the end of the day, lol!

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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by asher

    OMG CaliforniaGirl, that's great. I totally understand losing it and "knocking" her off her bike... I am so absolutely protective of my cats, if a child was going to hurt one of them... oh boy.

    Actually one of our cats LOVES children and loves to have his tail yanked, fur pulled, and dragged around by his paws, by my little step-brothers and sisters... he likes the abuse.

    I feel the same way! When my step-daughter was here (a whole other horrible story), she kicked at my chihuahua. I told my hubby, "you better tell that little ***ch to keep her foot away from Lucy, or I cannot guarantee I won't hurt her if she kicks at her again!". UGH!!! Like I said, I'm a very nice person, but will ptotect what I love, ya know?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by HDogg

    Poor kitty! Did he turn out to be all right after that incident? I don't think anyone thinks less of you for reacting the way you did. I probably would too!

    I have only baby-sat recently--never did as a teenager--and I enjoy it. Kids are really fun and you can give them back at the end of the day, lol!

    Yeh, thank goodness, after lots of cuddling and kisses he was OK.



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