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Thread: Avoiding things

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Wiltshire, UK

    Question Avoiding things

    I'm just being a little bit nosey here, I was wondering whether people on here avoid doing things because they last did it before/after v*...
    For example, I can't watch Bruce Almighty or Hot Fuzz ever again because I watched them before v* and I very very rarely eat sausage sandwiches or Weetos or drink wine for the same reason. I also can't listen to a specific Coldplay song because I distinctly remember it being on in the car one time when my sister v* in it.
    Is this just me, or does everyone else do it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Yorkshire, England.

    Default Re: Avoiding things

    You're definitely not the only one to avoid things when 'it' has happened. I can't eat bananas anymore because I ate one when I was about 8, one of the times i've vomited and now the smell of them just makes me feel physically ill, I couldn't eat one again. This may sound a bit random but I also associate wearing matching pyjamas with being sick. I think it's because me and my sister used to have matching pyjamas when we were little and I remember she vomited all of my arm whilst wearing them, I think that must be the reason why. So yeah, to sum up you're not the only one, I bet every single member on here avoids certain things to avoid that pattern emerging towards being ill.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Avoiding things

    I stopped eating Hungry Man dinners for a few years because I was very ill the same day I had one. I recently began eating them again, still as tasty as I remember!

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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Avoiding things

    Quote Originally Posted by Tasha'93 View Post
    You're definitely not the only one to avoid things when 'it' has happened. I can't eat bananas anymore because I ate one when I was about 8, one of the times i've vomited and now the smell of them just makes me feel physically ill, I couldn't eat one again. This may sound a bit random but I also associate wearing matching pyjamas with being sick. I think it's because me and my sister used to have matching pyjamas when we were little and I remember she vomited all of my arm whilst wearing them, I think that must be the reason why. So yeah, to sum up you're not the only one, I bet every single member on here avoids certain things to avoid that pattern emerging towards being ill.
    I sort of do the same with my pjs, I have a pair of floral button down ones that I only wear when I'm ill and I can't wear them if I'm not ill because I tell myself that if I do it'll be tempting fate and I'll become ill, which could mean v*, it's weird!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Avoiding things

    The last time I v* (seven years ago) was due to barbecue chicken food poisoning from KFC...so since then, I've avoided KFC and meat altogether!

    But since I ate the poisoned KFC on a Sunday night while watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off, I'm now always wary whenever that movie comes on or (worse) when it airs on a Sunday night! Haha to me it's like a bad omen or something...curse you, Ferris Bueller!

    I'm also extremely cautious during the month of October, because again that was when I last v*...I guess I'm superstitious about history repeating itself or something.

    It's amazing how good our memories become whenever we're scared of something, isn't it? It's like we know exactly what was going on the last time we (or someone else) v*, from what everyone was wearing to the music that was playing at the time, even if it was several years ago...haha I just think that's interesting.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Avoiding things

    Oh, and I also avoid Denny's restaurants...I've gotten sick there twice...so Denny's is another one of my personal bad omens!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Avoiding things

    No, not really, I'm very fortunate in that regard

    Except, the last time I was REALLY sick, I got sick in a restaurant parking lot after a day of being drug around by my mom after I told her I really didn't feel good. I hate going back there, so I guess that's something. But I don't avoid it, just dislike being there
    "I'd rather cross the line and suffer the consequences, than stare at the line for the rest of my life." <3

  8. #8

    Default Re: Avoiding things

    Sometimes. My mom always used to give me chamomile when I was sick to my stomach, and for years afterward, I couldn't handle its smell. It took me a long while to detach it from that association and be able to drink it... I absolutely love it now, though!

    As dumb as this sounds, I still avoid a stall in my school's public washroom where I heard someone coughing a year ago.

    I also once read that parmesan cheese includes a chemical called butyric acid, which is also in v*, and that kinda turned me off of it for a while. I can't actually smell the association between parmesan and v* at all (although a lot of people can, apparently). Thankfully, though, my love of cheese has prevailed and I'm back to enjoying it.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Avoiding things

    This subject is obviously popular right now as Strannik posted on it just last week! I don’t have any rituals associated with the last time I was actually ill (1983 at the age of 10!) as it’s such a long time ago any avoidance has long since become obsolete and extinct anyway (such as not liking playing with a particular Star Wars figure I bought with my birthday money earlier that afternoon as I don’t actually have any Star Wars figures anymore ), but am hesitant about certain things I did last August, when I very nearly was.

    These include being very reluctant to wear the same top I wore to run in earlier that evening, doing that same session (running up a hill 10 times) on the same day of the week (a Tuesday), wearing the same top I changed into to play football later on (I had to drop out halfway through as I felt really queasy) and even not liking parking in the same area of the sports centre car park I used that night, not to mention ensuring I reverse into spaces there now as I drove forward into it that evening!

    However, I will be looking to try and break the curse as part of my CBT when the anniversary comes around in a few weeks time by deliberately doing some of those things in order to find out that nothing will actually happen. Rationally I know it’s all nonsense of course, but I think it represents a desire for control on all our parts, in that we’re all so desperate to avoid being ill that we’re prepared to view the world in these ways if it we think it will “help”. The more serious side of all this is that this sort of behaviour is called “conditioning by association” and does make our phobias worse as by avoiding all these things at all we’re telling ourselves that there is something to be scared of, so it’s unfortunately a textbook self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Tash – I can’t stand bananas either funnily enough although it’s simply because I don’t like them and not due to any illness associations. I could make a comment on parmesan cheese as well, but as Peace obviously likes it I’ll keep quiet and won’t risk putting them off…. And Emily-Jane, I hope for your sake the Coldplay song you’re avoiding isn’t “Fix You” as I love that song and think it’s great!!

  10. #10
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    Wiltshire, UK

    Default Re: Avoiding things

    Quote Originally Posted by orton99 View Post
    This subject is obviously popular right now as Strannik posted on it just last week! I don’t have any rituals associated with the last time I was actually ill (1983 at the age of 10!) as it’s such a long time ago any avoidance has long since become obsolete and extinct anyway (such as not liking playing with a particular Star Wars figure I bought with my birthday money earlier that afternoon as I don’t actually have any Star Wars figures anymore ), but am hesitant about certain things I did last August, when I very nearly was.

    These include being very reluctant to wear the same top I wore to run in earlier that evening, doing that same session (running up a hill 10 times) on the same day of the week (a Tuesday), wearing the same top I changed into to play football later on (I had to drop out halfway through as I felt really queasy) and even not liking parking in the same area of the sports centre car park I used that night, not to mention ensuring I reverse into spaces there now as I drove forward into it that evening!

    However, I will be looking to try and break the curse as part of my CBT when the anniversary comes around in a few weeks time by deliberately doing some of those things in order to find out that nothing will actually happen. Rationally I know it’s all nonsense of course, but I think it represents a desire for control on all our parts, in that we’re all so desperate to avoid being ill that we’re prepared to view the world in these ways if it we think it will “help”. The more serious side of all this is that this sort of behaviour is called “conditioning by association” and does make our phobias worse as by avoiding all these things at all we’re telling ourselves that there is something to be scared of, so it’s unfortunately a textbook self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Tash – I can’t stand bananas either funnily enough although it’s simply because I don’t like them and not due to any illness associations. I could make a comment on parmesan cheese as well, but as Peace obviously likes it I’ll keep quiet and won’t risk putting them off…. And Emily-Jane, I hope for your sake the Coldplay song you’re avoiding isn’t “Fix You” as I love that song and think it’s great!!
    It's not! I love that song too actually, it's amazing!

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Avoiding things

    I don't eat pickles because them made me V*. Also, the last time I got sick I remember it was around 1:30 in the morning. So after that time I feel in the clear even though I know that has nothing to do with determining if I will get sick or not. Ahaha. I feel so strange.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Avoiding things

    Quote Originally Posted by klerman View Post
    I don't eat pickles because them made me V*. Also, the last time I got sick I remember it was around 1:30 in the morning. So after that time I feel in the clear even though I know that has nothing to do with determining if I will get sick or not. Ahaha. I feel so strange.
    Don't feel strange! For a long long time I used to stay up after 2 in the morning because I v* from a bug at that time when I was 11, I still do it sometimes now if I don't feel right.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Avoiding things

    Thanks! That makes me feel better. I haven't herd much of people with this problem to have time sensitive rituals. I actually don't know personally anyone but myself who suffers from it so it's nice to know I'm not alone.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by klerman View Post
    Thanks! That makes me feel better. I haven't herd much of people with this problem to have time sensitive rituals. I actually don't know personally anyone but myself who suffers from it so it's nice to know I'm not alone.
    No problem, I'm sure there's more people than just you and me that do it, but I expect it's probably quite rare...

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Avoiding things

    I remember I used to be more like that when I was little staying away from certain things because I got sick that day...for a long time, I think this is why I stayed away from diced tomatos (mind you I ate any other way) my now husband used to laugh at me for that one, but I've since moved on.

  16. #16
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    Yes, I have done that. I think a great step in getting over this fear is trying to do some of those things again and realize that they WON'T make you sick! I have done it; it feels great!
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  17. #17
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    Default Re: Avoiding things

    Quote Originally Posted by klerman View Post
    I don't eat pickles because
    I really find it hard to believe that pickles made you vomit, although I certainly understand you remember the taste of them coming up. Pickles are a very safe food.
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  18. #18
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    Default Re: Avoiding things

    There are foods and drinks I avoid because of v* I used to be a HUGE pepsi drinker, it was all I would drink and last winter I got a sv and v* a few times. Of course I had pepsi beforehand...so now I no longer drink pepsi. Also I CANT eat jello.. it was something mom always made me eat as a kid when I was sick and v* Now if I see it thats all I think about.

  19. #19
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    I can't have sprite cus my mom always gave it to us when we had any type of stomach problem. Also for a really long time I couldn't eat any type of mexican food, cus my sister and i both got really sick from these beef burritos.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Avoiding things

    (: you are so not alone! I'm fifteen and my avoidance of things has basically been controlling my life. I don't wear certain clothes, eat certain foods on certain days and have a really strict time schedule because I always think it is going to come back. Just remember it would have happened regardless of what movie you watched (it's "Now and Then" for me) or what clothes you wore. (: Thanks for posting this question!

  21. #21
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    I remember getting sick watching Oliver and Company once...but I love that movie. LOL I just remember what happened that time I watched it. That's all....

  22. #22
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    I am the same with the avoiding thing! Once when I ate far too much at a sleepover I went in a hazy state, because I was half asleep half feeling sick, (good job I couldn't really feel much) and I just got sick all over my bed and have never slept in the same spot or in the same duvet set since. And when my little sister or middle sister is v*, i tend to stay awake all night because I'm so scared of them walking in on me telling me they feel sick and v*ing all over the carpet! argh it sounds so silly but its just how i react :/

  23. #23

    Default Re: Avoiding things

    I have a stain on my carpet from the last time I V* and ever since it has been a habit to jump over the spot. Hoping for a new carpet! I also ate steak and V* once so no more steak. I also don't eat anything with artificial red dye because I have V* from it sevaral times.

  24. #24
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    I don`t ride the bus anymore, I got sick on one on two occasions, and I can`t ride in a car either. Thank God I live near a train station.
    And I`m scared of eating rice because I ate it one time and got sick after.
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  25. #25
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    Default Re: Avoiding things

    I used to avoid mussels, but I don't anymore. I ate pizza with cooked peppers and pineapples before the event that made me emetophobic but I still love pizza. Though I have a bit of trouble with cooked peppers and cooked pineapple, I love them raw and will eat them, I just prefer not to.



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