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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default I hate public places!!!

    I'm a stay at home Mom. There's a local University that does taste testing for a huge chocolate company and I decided to sign up for some extra $$ I've done it three or four times before. Well of course because of what season it is, I'm on edge. I have to use elevators to get to where I'm going. Door knobs! Ugh. And then they have you use laptops to input your opinion on the chocolates. I make sure to use my right hand to type and my left hand to eat. But today someone in the lobby was talking to a delivery guy and said "well yeah the bug is going around again..." Ahhhhh!! I rode in the elevator with him!!!!
    And then my Mom asked me if I wanted to go to my niece's holiday concert at school tonight. I'd love to go. I've gone in years past, but of course being in a big room with TONS of kids freaks me out.
    And THEN on Sunday I have a party to go to. I'm a direct sales rep (think pampered chef, Tastefully simple etc). I'm excited because my hostess is having 10-15 people there which will be great for my sales, but ill also be in a room with 10-15 people I don't know who have kids...who have probably been sick...who I don't know if they wash their hands...who will be eating out of the same chip bowls as one another...
    Luckily I live right down the street so I know I can go right home and wash my hands, but still. I hate this time of year in public places!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Re: I hate public places!!!

    I know how you feel. I always feel a bit nervous when it comes to being out in the public. I have to take public transportation to school and at first it was very nerve-wracking because I just felt like I was on a germ ridden bus lol. However, I got used to it and I take it almost every day of the week. It's just something you have to do regardless of whether it makes you uncomfortable or not. I have a few tricks I use to make me feel better. I grab door handles with my sleeve and I carry hand sanitizer in my purse. I use my knuckles when it comes to pushing elevator buttons. I know it's scary, but maybe you can use those little tricks to ease your mind. I eat while I am on the computer all the time, and to be honest, I have never really given it a second thought!! You will be just fine as long as you wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your face. Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Re: I hate public places!!!

    I`m not too stressed about being in public places, although I`ve always on the lookout for anyone who looks ill. The main problem is people on narrow pavements who walk really slowly & I can`t get past them, & crowds are a bit of a pain.



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