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Thread: Just great!!!!

  1. #1
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    Just great, now my son is saying, my tummy doesnt feel good. Just what I dont want to hear. He is on the potty as I type this, so far he has just had a little diarrhea. I am in a major panic now!!!! I just knew something like this would happen when my husband was at work and I was here all alone!!!!

    I want to call my husband and tell him to come home, but he probally wouldnt, or he'd say he couldnt.

    I hate this, I dont know how I am gonna get through it!!

    Im scared to even go in there and check on him.Edited by: jennyleigh1975

  2. #2
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    Oh no..... how old is your son? I'm sorry. Is there anyone else you can call? [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  3. #3
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    He is 4 and a half, will be 5 in April. No, there is no one else I can call. My in-laws are the closest to me, but I dont think they would come, well not until If or when "IT" actually does happen. I want someone with me now, to keep me calm. Mu in-laws think my phobia is weird anyway. Maybe its nothing, or maybe its his food settling or something, who knows .............. I wish I could just run away!!!!

  4. #4
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    I know what you mean. I don't have kids and this is why. I think I would run away, you're alot stronger than me for even having them!! How's he doing? Still in the potty?
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  5. #5
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    Im fixing to go check on him and ask him how he is .................

  6. #6
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    you've survived this before, jennyleigh! Remember that your immune system is a lot stronger than his poor little one. just remember if he does V and you do have to help take care of him DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE. that will make it almost impossible for the germs to enter your body.

    thinking of you!!! how's he doing?

    Do what your heart tells you to-- even when your fears tell you not to.

    You are alive....so live.

  7. #7
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    Redapple's right. You can't get the virus by just being by him. Just be very careful to not touch your face, that is the best advice around! Keep us updated. I'll be keeping you in my prayers tonight.
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  8. #8
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    You'll get through it! Take some deep, slow breaths. As tough as it is, tell yourself there is nothing to be afraid of, and it's only anxiety. No matter what happends, you'll be ok, I promise!!

    How's he doing now? I hope he feels better!!

  9. #9
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    Thank you both, I am trying to deal, so far he is ok. I just hate being here by myself. I even feel bad for asking my husband to come home from work to be here with me. I dont want him to get it either, but its just that he can deal with it better.

    I wonder if its ok to give him one of those nausea suppositories just in case.

    I am so ready for all this to be over with!!!!!

  10. #10
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    I don't know about the suppository... my therapist tells me that v'ing is a way for the body to get rid of a poison in you (and part of our emet is the fact that we don't trust that fact), and I guess it really comes down to it here. If he has a bug, as bad as it freaks all of us out, you probably shoudln't suppress v'ing, it'll just linger then, right? I don't know....

    Hopefully it was just a bad night for him and that's all and he'll be fine. Remember too, that kids have alot less inhibitions than adults and if he needs to v, he's gonna at that age, so perhaps he's feeling a bad tummy from something that to an adult would just be indigestion or gasor something. You know what I mean?

    I hope he's ok and I hope you're ok.
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  11. #11
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    Hey Leigh, how is it going now? I agree with 2jo2 I wouldn't give him the suppository, if he is getting sick he needs to get it out. I remember when Tylerwas around your sons age and I gave him the gravol suppository, he slept but thank god I checked on him b/c he was vomiting while he was sleeping choking on it, the gravol made him so groggy, ever since then I am too afraid to give him that. How is your son now?

  12. #12
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    Well, he SEEMS ok. He had a little diarrhea, so I hope that isnt the start of something. Even that I could handle, its the "V" part I have a problem with. (Well duh! Why else would I be here! LOL!) I dont know about the suppository and such either. I do remember our doctor telling us one time that getting the Phenagren shot is usually enough to wipe it out for most people. Im praying to get through the night, I will feel better when atleast hubby is home in the morning!!I dont know that I will get much sleep though!!

    I keep asking him how he is and he says he is fine, that his tummy doesnt hurt and that it doesnt feel bad either. Im just waiting to see if he will ask for his nightly cup of chocolate milk.

    Oh well ........ (sighs)Edited by: jennyleigh1975

  13. #13
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    Leigh; What career does your husband have? Are you alone all night? I hate this, I hate what we go through, what we put ourselves through. It will be a long, stressful, non sleep for us.I am sleeping on the couch. The thinking is driving me nuts. I see the dentist tomorrow night because of an infected achy tooth and all I think about is sitting in the chair and freaking out because I caught his flu. PM me those questions when you are ready andI will let you know tomorrow what she says. Try to get some sleep ok.

  14. #14
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    Hi everyone, I am kinda new here, but just wanted to post because as I was reading this I was feeling so bad for Jennyleigh.

    I have an 8 year old daughter, and I know exactly how you are feeling. It's late as I type this, and I hope your night is going well. It's so hard when our kids aren't feeling well. I hope he stayed feeling okay for the rest of the day and evening.

  15. #15
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    So far so good, I think he will be ok. Thank you all for your care and concern.

    Shiva, welcome to the site, the people here are wonderful and will help you in your time of need.Isnt it great to know you are not alone in having this phobia?

    Im just so ready for all this sickness to blow over!!

  16. #16
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    Welcome to the site shiva! Like jennyleigh stated you are not alone, I feel this is my second family, they are here to help me when I need it and I am here for them.[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

    Leigh, ok got the PM, anymore questions just let me know!

  17. #17
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    Hi JennyLeigh, how are things now? You have my absolute sympathy. I know exactly what you mean about wanting to run away! You are so brave to have kids at all... this is one of the numerous reasons I knew I never wanted them! You have had so much to cope with lately... just keep looking foward to a time when everyone will be well and you'll be able to have fun and do something nice for yourself that makes you happy. xxx

  18. #18
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    How did your night go??? I was praying for your kids last night!

  19. #19
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    He is fine this morning, I THINK something he ate just didnt agree with him. After he had a little "D" a couple of times he was fine. He asked for his nightly sippy cup of chocolate milk, drank it and went to bed not long after.

    Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I hope that we get through this rough season of this and manage to escape it.

    Rhonda, my husband works at a Briggs and Stratton Plant as a supervisor. The only bad thing about his job is that he has to work at night. However, they work 12 hr shifts there is his dept. so he doesnt have to work everyday of the week. So, for those of you with a Briggs and Stratton engine on your lawnmower, it could have very well been made at my hubbys plant!! My hubby also teaches training classes at the plant. The next class starts in a few weeks, I hope this sickness will be gone by then, cause he will be away from us more.

  20. #20
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    Jennyliegh - I am so relieved to hear your son is ok. I go through EXACTLY the same emotions when my kids are sick or even say their stomach hurts. I will say it gets somewhat easier as they get older (mine are ages 6 and 8). They seem to get sick less, they are better at giving you advance notice if they are going to v*, and I have learned that there are ways that I can avoid catching it or passing it on to the other kid. This is comforting to me because if one child gets sick, it does not automatically mean that the whole family will be taken out. So far, I have not caught one sv from my kids. Its all about hygiene. This is really important to me because I am a totally single mom for 3/4 of the time. Their dad lives in another state.

    God, how I wish there was a vaccine for these bugs....

  21. #21
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    I think I have gotten one from my children, and I think that was because my son who was sick "V" practically right in my face. I think good hygiene is a must and is what keeps us well even in the face of adversity!!

  22. #22
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    Hi Leigh; Ok I am back. First I told her about my hubby, gave her his symptoms, headache, high fever, achy all over, a little congested and said he tried to be sick but it was just snot and flem. He has the influenza, you can have the nausea or vomiting or not at all. She gave me at least 25 pairs of gloves, and about 10 masks!! She had this flu and was in bed for a week, and that isn’t like her at all. She only missed a few days when she was having the chemo. Info you asked for;
    How the bugs are spread-Viruses are spread mainly because you haven’t washed your hands or haven't washed them properly. You pick up viruses by doorknobs, phones, and a light switch, anything you touch! You touch your mouth and nose and bang you can catch it. It depends how your immune system is. If it is strong you may not get it, if your immune is good you may catch it but not as bad, if your system is low than you may get it , in such a bad way, meaning longer to recover etc.
    When areyou contagious with vomiting or diarrehea-You can be contagious with a bug from 12-48 hours before the onset of the flu. Depending on the strain of the flu and again how strong is your immune system.
    Yes, you are relatively safe if you hand wash very well, keeping fingers out of your mouth etc.Make sure you wash your hands before and after preparing meals to.

    -Dealing with someone who is sick: You can wear a mask to reduce the risk of catching a bug. You can wear gloves but remember, it is the same as not wearing gloves, do not putthem near your mouth because if you touch something with the glove on and say touch your mouth you can get sick. I think that is why she gave me so many! Say I am wearing the gloves and my hubby asks, “ am I feverish”? and I just use my hand with the glove on, and say for some reason put my glove on my lips or in my mouth area I can get sick. I hope this help even a little.


  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by ontariogirl
    When areyou contagious with vomiting or diarrehea-You can be contagious with a bug from 12-48 hours before the onset of the flu. Depending on the strain of the flu and again how strong is your immune system.
    Yes, you are relatively safe if you hand wash very well, keeping fingers out of your mouth etc.Make sure you wash your hands before and after preparing meals to.

    Before everyone freaks out about that12-48 hour... hereare a couple of things you should remember...

    Rule of thumb #1 ~ Stomach bugs are transferred through vomit and feces.Symptomstypically occur 12-48 hours, sometimes sooner,after you actually catch the bug, butthe bacteriacan still be present in yourfeces before othersymptoms occur. This is also why it can be contagious for several days after symptoms disappear. And therefore, why handwashing after using the bathroomisso, so, SO important and should bestressed at ALL times!

    Rule ofThumb #2 ~Did any of you know that you can geta virus, spread the virus toothers and NEVER know that youhad it at all? Well it's true for the exact same reason as #1.You can have avirus in your body and not become symptomatic at all, but that virus is stillpresent in your feces and therefore can be spread to others... another reason handwashing is so important.

    Rule of Thumb #3 ~ Not all vomiting is caused by stomach viruses. As Donna found out with Haley, and many other parents have found out with their children,many other illnesses can cause vomiting. A number of children vomit when they have common colds because they are unable to clear their bodies of mucus like adults can, and both strep throat and ear infections can be common causes of vomiting in children as well.Allof these are contagious before symptoms occur and are airborne illnesses too.

    There are others and if any of you would like to add on, feel free... but just to clear up some things I thought I'd share these.

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  24. #24
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    Well, the lady from the CDC here in GA. called me back today and she said basically the same thing. That the bug can be present in your feces BEFORE you start getting sick. She also said this, that hand washing and keeping things clean is a must. This makes it almost impossible for you to get it. Put simply ......... keep your hands out of your mouth, and keep things clean and sanitized. Also, dont drink and eat after other people. The lady at the CDC, said almost exactly what Rhonda's doc said.

    I have a nurse friend I chat with and she said that some incubation periods can last as long as 10-14 days!!!! I thought, Oh My God!!!!! How awful!!!! I hope she is wrong.

    SO ladies and gentlemen, keep those hands clean and out of your nose and mouth!!!!

  25. #25
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    Leigh, I knew my doctor would have the answers, I am glad she she was right like the lady who you talked to at CDC! We just have to remember to wash our hands! And kentuckygirl your are correct about kids; been there with mine when they were young and sick. Kidsvomit from sore throats to colds to ear infections.People could vomit from some kind of bacteria, such as food poisoning or whatever.

    I may get the awful flu that my hubby has who knows! I hope I don't.If I do then I will deal with it.I know for a fact that I don't want my son to get it, I see what it is doing to him right now, it has hit him hard, and he hardly gets sick! My son goes to his father's tomorrow for the week so I am hoping he doesn't catch it! Key answer always wash your hands!

  26. #26
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    And to think... I always thought my parents were crazy annoying when I was little and they were constantly telling us to wash our hands!! Now I thank the good Lord that they taught us well )

    If there's anything that totally skeezes me out other than puke it's going to the restroom and seeing people leave without washing their hands. I mean COME ON! It's one thing for littlekids to not want to wash (and I swear it's just to annoy the people pleading with them to "just do it!"), but a grown adult??? God forbid you waste 30 extra seconds of your day washing your hands!!!


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    Giving up doesn\'t always mean that we are weak. Sometimes it just means that we are strong enough to let go.

  27. #27
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    I was in WalMart tonight to pick up some medication in the pharmacy dept. and there was this lady and clearly she was mad, she says to the worker, listen I want the prescription nowlook at my daughter she is burning up!!! The worker says,the pharmasist is doing it right now. The kids face was beat red, she didn't look well at all and I am thinking why bring your daughter who is in the cart withher germy hands on the holder? I couldn't believe it!! I bought4 bottles of Purell and left. Oh Yuck!!

  28. #28
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    Well, if she didn't have anyone else to watch the kid and her daughter needed the prescription, she was stuck!! She obviously wanted the medicine so she could take her home--I was in that situation once, but Logan wasn't contagious, she had an ear infection!

  29. #29
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    Hey Donna; I felt sorry for the kid she looked sick! There are so many viruses out there. She probably came from the walk-in clinic that is around the corner. Seeing people sick and now having someone in my place sick just makes me cringe. The hubby still has the high fever and now he is coughing to the point of gagging up flem. Summer can't come soon enough!

  30. #30
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    Poor little thing... likely if she had a perscription she had something like an ear infection or strep cause they don't give perscriptions for tummy bugs. I can't believe she was waiting on a perscription for a fever though... give the little one some tylenol or motrin or something and give her the perscription when it's ready!!

    As for her being in the Wal-mart with her child... as I said before, and Donna pointed out,perhaps she had no other choice. My mom has taken uswith her to pick up perscriptions for strep and ear infections many times because there was no one to keep us.
    She neededa perscription and the quicker it is started the faster the person gets/feels better. The funny thing is,most likely no onewould have thought much of it if the child had been coughing a little or had a runny nose, parents take sickly little cold germ spreading kids shopping with them all the time... we just don't pay any attention to it unless we KNOW they are ill.


    Edited by: kentuckygalrk
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    Giving up doesn\'t always mean that we are weak. Sometimes it just means that we are strong enough to let go.



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