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  1. #1

    Default grr a bit pissed off hope i dont catch anything!

    So im 33 weeks pregnant and have been having headaches latley so i called maternity ward and they told me to go head up to birth suite to be checked over.. so when i get there was in fairly quick as it wasnt emergency! anyway i get put next to a lady thats having iv's put into her and zofran to help her stop *V* then i over here the dr say she has a stomach bug ... i was like omg! there was me and her stuck in a room with a bathroom to share like what the!!!!!!! the dr was seeing to her then coming n seeing me... so i hope to god i havnt picked anything up... dont expect to be on maternity ward and get stuck with stomach bug patients fair enough morning sickness but not a virus!!!!! anyway its been over 24 hours and so far so good but im still not happy !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: grr a bit pissed off hope i dont catch anything!

    I don't blame you for not being happy. I wouldn't either. However, since noro is a fairly fast acting virus, you are probably in the clear. I hope the rest of your pregnancy is uneventful. Welcome to the forums.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: grr a bit pissed off hope i dont catch anything!

    Aw. What a stupid thing for them to do! That must have been really stressful for you- did you manage to sit in the room while she threw up?

    I agree with Grace that you're probably in the clear and by this time tomorrow you will know for certain.

    I hope you're okay otherwise and the headaches aren't getting you down too much

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    UK, Northamptonshire.

    Default Re: grr a bit pissed off hope i dont catch anything!

    hey, that's really awful! I would have had a panic attack! I've had the SV* four times in my life when I was younger, and every single time I was struck literally 14 hours later. As Grace said, it does indeed strike you very fast! I think that you will be perfectly fine.

    Welcome to the forums by the way!
    Virtue - "You don't need a reason to help people"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Wisconsin, USA

    Default Re: grr a bit pissed off hope i dont catch anything!

    You probably would know by now if you would have gotten it. Also, if you are hygenic, like every emet is, I'm sure you'll be fine

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Midwest USA

    Default Re: grr a bit pissed off hope i dont catch anything!

    Hey girl, how is your head? How is your blood pressure? Did they make you do a urine test? I hope everything was good and they sent you back home.

    I would have been upset too. They are going to take precautions to ensure it will not spread. They do not want preg women and newborns sick.

    Hang in there. Prayers, hugs

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas Texas

    Default Re: grr a bit pissed off hope i dont catch anything!

    My sister in an ob nurse she says women come in all the time with sv and she cleans up after them and never gets it.

  8. #8

    Default Re: grr a bit pissed off hope i dont catch anything!

    Thanks everyone got a bit of a bad stomach but never no if it's the baby pressing on my organs or ( I have gallstones ) so could be that flaring up.. And yeah cynna had loads of tests because I with my daughter who's 10 1/2 months old I had cholerstatis of the liver so had to get checked over! And no she didn't vomit while she was in there thank god.. She had been in there before I got there and they where just pumpin the I.v meds and zofron into her then that's when I heard the dr say she had a stomach Virus ugh.
    I was next to her for about 2nhalf hours.. Blugh the joys of having kids!!!

  9. #9

    Default Re: grr a bit pissed off hope i dont catch anything!

    And rls1994 I last had a stomach bug 2008 off my 9 year old sister who was 4 at the time then I caught it 48 hours later then my other sister caught it the morning after me! But my mum n dad where fine.. n I havnt had one since touch wood!!!! Although this gallstones make me feel like I have one every day!!

  10. #10

    Default Re: grr a bit pissed off hope i dont catch anything!

    Ugh my first reply didn't send. Nope she wasn't vomiting when I was in the room she was just getting iv fluids and anti v meds (zofron) into her and that's when I heard the dr say she had a stomach virus, I was in the same room as her for about 2 n hlf hours, & yep had tests cynna as I had a tough pregnancy with my daughter had cholerstatis of the liver and right now have gallstones.. Thanks for your support



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