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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Having an anxiety attack today

    There is so much going on right now. But, the biggest thing causing me anxiety (besides the noro season) is that we are most likely relocating almost 1000 miles away. Now, my husband's family will live a couple of hours from us when we move, but my family is NOT going to be happy when they hear we are moving.

    It hit me today...hard. I had d and then started shaking all over and couldn't stop. Trying to take care of the baby was hard. I just couldn't stop shaking, which caused me to have more d, which made me panic more. I started wondering if it wasn't anxiety and I was actually sick.

    I couldn't eat dinner, and once hubby came home I gave him the baby and asked him to hold down the fort while I layed down. I started crying and couldn't stop. He came in with the baby to talk to me and just held me. After talking with him for awhile I felt much better and was even able to eat a little for dinner.

    I can't let the anxiety take over like this again. I have too much to take care of here and I am by myself with the baby most of the time. Any suggestions on how to relax next time?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Dallas, Texas

    Default Re: Having an anxiety attack today

    Yeah, that is DEFINITELY a reason for lots of stress! I'm sorry it's affecting you like this! :c
    I definitely think that your symptoms are just from stress and anxiety. I hope you calm down soon. Do you have any chamomile tea or essential oils? You should also hit hubby up for a back rub!!!!
    Keep my heart light, maintain internal heights.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Dunedin, NZ

    Default Re: Having an anxiety attack today

    I'm sorry you've got this on your plate! When I am overloaded like this I put things into lists and make one list for each day, ie Monday: pack the bathroom, clean it and store. Tuesday/Wednesday pack the living room, clean it and store. Because there are always things we use until we actually leave, I always leave one full day for final clean and pack. You'll know this but shifting house is one of lifes bigger stressors, and moving 1000 miles away can't help so go easy on yourself and tell that husband of yours if you're struggling. Thinking of you. X
    Some people are so poor, all they have is money.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Knoxville, TN

    Default Re: Having an anxiety attack today

    Moving is so stressful anyway, and with a baby and anxiety its got to be hard I am alone with my kids a lot too, and some things I do to dispel anxiety are take my kids outside for a walk (exercise really helps in general), or play some upbeat music on the ipod and watch my kids dance (makes me laugh, which helps), herbal tea (tension tamer, peppermint, and sleepytime are my faves). I really hope things start getting better for you soon.



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