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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Northwest Ohio

    Default Bad experience, but not bad anxiety, thankfully

    Went to a friend's house today, and we walked our kids and the kids she babysits (8 in all) to the park by her house. When we got there a lady informed us another kid V in the sand in a certain spot when she got there, and she used a shovel and cleaned it up, but told us to not let the kids dig in that area. I wasn't quite sure where the area was but told my kids to stay on one side of the playset. My oldest didn't really stay where I wanted him to, but I think it was all OK anyway, not sure. We walked back, I wouldn't let my boys take their shoes in her house (the little boy she babysits kept chewing on shoes he would find) and made them wash their hands. When I got home with them I did make my boys take a bath (they think I am crazy) but I told them we don't have time to get sick this week. It is fair week and I am scheduled to work for 4 hours there Thursday, I can't have sick kids because then hubby would have to stay home, and I will never survive the fair if I am anxious about catching it myself (I don't think fryers and xanax would mix well). I won't let anyone watch my sick kids, especially not my friend who recently had a kidney transplant and is planning on bringing her son and watching all 3 of mine. Overall I think I am doing great, several years ago I would not have been able to function enough after that to drive home (over a half hour) and would have been visibly panicked. My friend knows about my anxiety but not sure she really understands the severity of it. Anyway, just praying we all stay healthy and so proud of myself!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Bad experience, but not bad anxiety, thankfully

    Good for you! You handled that very well!



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