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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Having a bad night :(

    I've been on antibiotics about a week and a half, I've been feeling n* on and off from them - but tonight I feel very very s*. I'm on tetracycline - quite common for n* and v*. You aren't meant to take it with dairy, or anti-acid (which is a pain as I get reflux quite badly anyway but it's got even worse with the antibiotic).

    I have wretched a few times tonight. It's got better since taking an anti-emetic. I don't feel ill as such, just a little tired and lethargic. So I think it's the tablets and not a bug, what do you think?

    This is genuine n* and bad reflux - I don't know what to do aside from take a probiotic.

    Any reassurance would be great please

  2. #2

    Default Re: Having a bad night :(

    Hi littleflo! I was on tetracycline for a bit for acne actually and I had to remember to eat with it or otherwise I'd get waves of n*. Have you tried eating with it? Maybe some crackers and a light liquid. I'm pretty sure it's from the antibiotic, everyone's reactions to medications are different. I hope you feel better.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Having a bad night :(

    Thanks so much for replying I feel reassured knowing you got the nausea too! Yes I find eating is the key, otherwise my stomach feels like there's a gnawing sensation you know?

    I think I'm taking it at the wrong time. I'm taking it at night (partly so it works while I sleep, and partly as I hope I bypass the side effects whilst I sleep). However I think this is counterproductive, as I'm taking it last thing at night on an empty stomach and come morning I feel s* and feel so all day.

    The n* I have felt tonight is more like a reflux, like a throat nausea, but it's horrible and really want it to stop.

    I too am on it for acne and don't want to stop it as it's working for my skin! It's just ever since I started taking it I'm getting n* on and off.

    What was your experience on it? Did you stick it out? Thanks so much, you're a godsend!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Having a bad night :(

    Yes! If I took it in the morning before I went to school and didn't eat breakfast (which unfortunately I did frequently) I'd spend the whole day at school feeling horrible. I did stick it out, I was on it for at least half a year. Around this time my emet was not at its peak so the n* did not effect me too much as I was able to convince myself that any n* was definitely from the antibiotic. I never v*'d at all. I would take teeny sips of water and chew gum. Chewing gum helps a lot (if the minty flavor doesn't cause more n*) I don't really know why...maybe because the act of chewing distracts your brain and tricks your stomach in to thinking you're eating. I think maybe the gnawing, reflux feeling might be your body telling you it needs a little soothing from all the tummy acid. All that acid + medicine mixture can make you feel n* too. I agree that taking it on empty is what's causing you to feel s* because it def did the same to me. The plus side is like you said it does work great for your skin!! Adds new meaning to the phrase "beauty is pain" right?? Lol....



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