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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Need encouragement

    My first time posting and you all are probably going to think I'm crazy. I'm grasping for anything right now. Here's the story: against my better judgment I allowed my four year old to play in an indoor playground on Saturday. I held her hand immediately after she came out. She was throwing up by 5pm yesterday (Sunday). I have the best husband in the world and he knows how the fear of v paralyzes me. He immediately took over. I have not gone near my daughter since she got sick. I skipped dinner yesterday and locked myself and my 8 month old in my room, quarantining husband and the sick one to the living room/far off bathroom. I didn't sleep a wink last night, woke up early, and got out of the house as soon as possible. The whole day my stomach hurt. I finally figured it was probably from not eating and had lunch around 1pm. Around 7 I still had the stomach ache, still assuming lack of food was the issue and ate a bagel. My stomach continued to hurt off and on despite eating. Around 930 my stomach started hurting more and I started to have a panic attack. By 1030 I had watery diarrhea. Now I have a million questions. Am I sick? Am I going to v next? Is it just nervous stomach? I'm not really sure what I'm asking here, but need some reassurance right now. My support group (best friend in the central time zone) is asleep and I totally in panic mode right now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Need encouragement

    You are not crazy and i am going through something very similar right now. I recently hung out with one of my friends the other day and well i never usually put my mouth on something someone else has, but i smoked a cigarette after him and i was a bit paranoid even doing that. Then i saw him post on twitter about 10 hours later that he got sick with food poisoning and my head started racing. Panic mode, anxiety and now im just waiting to catch what he got if it indeed isnt food poisoning. My stomach has been upset all day and also i have been nauseous and everything! I understand what youre going through 100% and to be honest i dont think you are going to catch what your daughter has. As long as you havent drinken or eaten after her. You probably litterally are scaring yourself so much you are making yourself sick. Terrible isnt it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Need encouragement

    Horrible. Thanks for the response. I was standing about 4 ft away when she got sick so I keep thinking maybe it sprayed far enough. I can't sleep. I'm totally freaked and feeling sick. I feel terrible that you're going through something similar, but somehow comforted that I'm not alone. My husband is very understanding, but doesn't really "get" this. He just says "so what if you do get sick." Which I totally get. I just wish I could calm down enough to fall asleep. . The waiting to get sick is almost the worst part. How do you cope?



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