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  1. #1

    Default Anyone with vertigo or BPPV?

    For at least the last couple of years I've struggled with different kinds of dizziness and lightheadedness and I can't tell whether it's anxiety related or something real. It used to feel mostly like low blood sugar but since I've had my sugar levels tested and everything came back normal, I've noticed that less. Now I notice weird dizziness when I wake up sometimes, when I lie down in bed or when I lie on my back with my head facing the ceiling. It usually lasts a few hours once it starts and it feels so scary. I also sometimes notice shorter feelings of dizziness when I'm anxious or stressed. In all cases though it doesn't happen every time. I've never fainted of gotten nauseous from it, just fear. Which might cause or exacerbate it and I don't know what's causing what!

    I looked into BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) and I'm worried it could be a possibility. It's not dangerous at all but to treat it there are different "maneuvers" the doctor can do to you and all of them cause dizziness. (They mostly involve sitting or lying on the table when the doctor turns your head in different directions to make the dizziness come.) I even read that vomiting and fainting are common during these maneuvers. Obviously if it will cure me. I should suck it up and deal with one doctor appt that is traumatic, but I am just so scared of the feeling. Does anyone here experience BPPV or had the maneuvers done?

    I have age no other health issues besides slightly above normal BP (130 or 140/80). Not overweight or diabetic, not a smoker, no Meds. I kind of WANT it to be just anxiety related, but I also just want to know if it's medical so I can do something about it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: Anyone with vertigo or BPPV?

    I've treated BPPV in a few patients of mine and while n* is somewhat common during the maneuver, v* and fainting are not very likely. I've also had a case of BPPV myself and self treated with the Epley maneuver, which did induce dizziness but no n* or anything worse. In my experience the symptoms you have during the maneuver are similar to the ones you're already experiencing - nothing new or worse. If you get n* with your dizziness, you'll probably have that during the maneuver. If you don't have that symptom typically, you probably won't.

    The dizziness you have which lasts hours, however, doesn't sound like BBPV which is usually brief in duration after a movement that causes symptoms. It's possible that it's anxiety causing this - especially if you have true BPPV causing dizziness sometimes, that could be making you more anxious through the day. Sometimes when my allergies are bad I also get mild dizziness that lasts all day unless I take an antihistamine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: Anyone with vertigo or BPPV?

    Are you just dizzy and/or light headed? Or is it actual vertigo? Vertigo is literally like the room is spinning and your balance is off, and it's pretty horrible. It also doesn't usually last that long. BUT it is treatable. (Been there!)

    Honestly it sounds like anxiety or maybe just not drinking enough fluids. Try upping your water intake and see if that may help.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Washington State

    Default Re: Anyone with vertigo or BPPV?

    I have to agree with ChiGal.. Vertigo is awful, I can't walk without holding onto the wall because my balance is so off, and everything feels and looks like it's literally spinning all the time. Mine comes on from inner ear issues (usually allergy related) and antihistamines help me.

    It does sound to me like it's anxiety to be honest given when it hits, and how it's responded to finding out the blood sugar stuff, or like ChiGal said.. quite possibly dehydration!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States

    Default Re: Anyone with vertigo or BPPV?

    Yes! I had BPPV last fall.
    It was the weirdest thing. Out of the blue the room would start spinning when I laid down in bed or leaned backward. Eventually I went to an ENT and he put me through maneuver where they turn your head to the side and then quickly have you lie back with your head slightly down. The spinning started when I went down and he immediately said "Yep, there it is!"
    I only learned this later, of course, but apparently your eyes actually spin around when that happens and that's how they're able to diagnose it.

    He said there was a series of physical therapy maneuvers called the Epley maneuver he could take me through to help it. The part when you turn your head to the side and then lay back is the first of the series.

    It failed the first and second time because I shot up when the spinning started because I was also afraid I would vomit. However, the third time I was able to tough it out, went through the rest of the maneuvers just fine and that cured me!
    My Dr. said it might but that just in case it didn't he'd refer me for balance therapy. Well I never went to the therapy appointment because the one session was enough. I haven't had any problems with it since then.

    I know it's scary when the spinning starts as they put you through the maneuvers, but it WILL stop after a few seconds and it'll be worth it to be rid of BPPV! Trust me.

    However, as others have said, you need to be sure it's actually vertigo. Vertigo involves dizziness not lightheadedness. People often use them interchangeably but they are different.
    With dizziness the room will be spinning. With lightheadedness you can have a wobbly, fuzzy, off-balance feeling. If you really have dizziness it could be BPPV so I'd seen an ENT. If it's lightheadedness though I'd guess it's anxiety, postural orthostatic hypotension (when your blood pressure drops when you change position after being still for a long time), or low blood sugar.
    Last edited by chicajojobe; 06-04-2015 at 08:32 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    australia, NSW

    Default Re: Anyone with vertigo or BPPV?

    im so afraid of getting vertigo. I know a few people who had it suffered chronic dizziness and intense nausea. Cause some family members have had it I feel like I will get it one day. Im pront to feeling dizzy coming out of elevators or turning my neck funny. Although you sound more lightheaded what everyone else said. Go to the dr and find out what it is first and if you have to do those maneuvers tell the dr youre afriad and maybe you could take a drammamine before hand? I dont know if it will work the same way as it would with motion sickness
    No passion so effectively robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.



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