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  1. #1

    Default Away from home & anxious!

    Hi everyone! Trying not to let the anxiety get the better of me while I'm on holiday but it's not working and I could really do with some support please!

    So I live in England and I've come on holiday to Florida with my boyfriend and his family. I've never been this far away from home/my family before and it's sending my anxious mind into a tailspin. To make matters worse, it's 3:15 over here (so 8:15 back home) and I've woken up in a sweaty panic. I've put this down to needing a BM so I went but now I'm 10x worse! The BM (sorry for TMI) looked similar to the one I did before I had d* the last time. It was fine to start with then the stools became looser and looser. Now I'm freaking out that the same thing is going to happen and I can't cope with that whilst away from home and my comfort and safety place/people.

    Any reassurance would be greatly appreciated! Really don't want my anxiety to ruin this for me, thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Re: Away from home & anxious!

    vacations are hard. we meets need he comfort and stability of home but try to think of it this way, what would really be different if you were home? you are safe where you are and have support around you. try to have a good time! florida is lovely
    “A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only taken a short cut to meet it.”

  3. #3

    Default Re: Away from home & anxious!

    Quote Originally Posted by canonguy View Post
    vacations are hard. we meets need he comfort and stability of home but try to think of it this way, what would really be different if you were home? you are safe where you are and have support around you. try to have a good time! florida is lovely
    Thanks canonguy! Unfortunately I now how full blown d* my boyfriend doesn't believe me so I'm having to deal with it on my own. If I was at home I could have some comfort from my mum or something. Going to be a long night haha!



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