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  1. #1

    Default OMG ....OMG I was unsafe

    I know im paranoid lately, with what's going on with my dad, so pardon me if im a little on edge. We went to walmart this morning, and did some shopping and then came home, on the way home my daughter had some food at mcdonalds, and when we got home she was eating a cinnamon roll. I didn't think anything of it, as I usually don't. However, then I see , online a friend of mine posted "Third one down" meaning her third kid came down with at SV. Started with her 2 year old catching one from touching something out in public this past Saturday. Now, Im freaking out, because my daughter ate, chicken nuggets and a cheesburger, with her hands, after being at walmart, without washing her hands first. How likely is this to turn into something....ugh, I hate this......

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default Re: OMG ....OMG I was unsafe

    We've made a habit of sanitizing cart handles and then our hands every time we get in the car but there have been times we've either forgotten or ran out of sanitizer and we've been fine.

    I know your friends daughter got sick but think of all of the people who shop at Walmart everyday and never get sick. I think she'll be just fine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: OMG ....OMG I was unsafe

    there's always a chance but it's really slim. your kid touches things allllllll day. seriously.



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