Let me preface this with telling you all I have a doctor appt. for the 3rd of May, and so will be getting checked out by a professional, but I wanted some opinions on here, too.
I have lost a good amount of weight in the last few months. I do not own a scale, so all I have to go on is doctors office records, but On January 30th I weighed 145, and on the 21st of this month, I weighed 127. This seems like a big drop. I had been dropping before the January appt, but not sure how much,just noticed it in my clothes.
I am a nursing mom, and there is a hormone shift that happens around when the nursing baby approaches one year old, which can cause a weight loss. I have this from a family member who is an internationally certified lactation consultant. And I had a weight loss around this time with my 1st child, though not as dramatic.
I know some of it is due to lack of eating properly, esp. in the last 3-4 weeks, but jeez. What is going on here? I am a fairly sedentary person, and have not been trying in any way to lose weight.
My family member thinks something physiological is causing my increased anxiety and weight loss. She knows some of it, but not all of it. I don't know what is happening, I just know that my anxiety, depression, and emet have been going crazy the last month or so, and I don't know what happened to make them worse all of a sudden.