I'm sure this topic has already been brought up...but did anyone see that movie? I was eating (Chinese) while watching it and they got to day three where the dude was eating his double quarterpounder and then V*ed. It was rather graphic and then they showed the V* on the ground. I was like, EWWW! Anyway did you know that McNasty's doesn't have Supersize any more? They said that it has NOTHING to do with the movie...YEAH RIGHT! And that poor guy who worked for GMA doesn't work there any more! And I found out that Cleveland Ohio (Where I live) is the 13th fattest city in America! I'm like DAMN! All I have to say is this.

PEOPLE!! You DON'T have to eat there! McDonalds is NOT making you fat you make YOURSELF FAT! It's not fair to blame it on the resturant. All you have to do is go out jogging three times a week, or do some damn push ups. For GOD SAKES no one is SHOVING Fast Food down your throat! I'm sorry but the people who blame Fast Food for their weight problems PISS ME OFF! I just had to get that off my chest.

In the movie they were talking about how people won't hesitate to yell at a smoker for lighting up a cigarette, hell people say stuff to me ALL the TIME about smoking! But NO one will go up to a fat person and tell them to excersize!My sister thinks it's because tellingpeoplewho smoke that it's bad for them is different from telling someone who's fat to get up and walk around, because like when you call someone fat you are basically telling them they are hideous. Now don't get me wrong I know some over weight people who I think are beautiful...so I don't agree with her. Besides I've heard some pretty mean things from people who just randomly yell at me to quit smoking.

Anyway I wanted to know what all of you guys think about obesity and McDonalds and blaming fast food resturants for problems.At leastmy sister and I both agree that it's NOT THE FOODS FAULT! If you're fat then YOU are the one to blame not someone else! Anyone think different? And don't give me that GENETIC crap either!Just about EVERYONE on my dad's side of the family is obeseor overweight. His mom was overweight too, but I tell you...my dad WATCHES what he eats and EXCERSIZES EVERY MORNING and he is NOT FAT...so it has NOTHING to do with genetics!

Sorry for the long post...just had to yell for a little while!
