Hey guys,

sorry I havent been on in a while, my computer went down for a while and im borrowing my friends computer for a while till i get my one fixed as im thinking it will cost a little bit more than I have to my name at the moment.

I havent been feeling to bad at the moment had a few pannic attacks over the past few days, but nothing to major but not feeling to amazing at the moment..

I think that its because I have been traveling so much at the moment and that is really getting to me but only one more day I think tomorrow..

I also made a bake thing tonight, I boiled some potatos and made some veg then layered some mash potato on the bottom and then put some cheese on it and then the veg and then more potato and then more cheese on the top lol whoops it was nearly one whole block of cheese I put in there, but I am stupidly sitting here worrying that I have something wrong with me and that I have ended up cooking the thing wrong I mean it tasted lovely ect but I really am as per usual worried about it and wish i had cooked something that I knew is safe because I have to go traveling again tomorrow its with my new gf,going to meet her mum *scared* lol

So this post is just basically to say I missed you all and that Im sorry I havent been around in a while and I hope that you are all doing well at the moment?

I also actually now thinking about it since my gf has been staying I havent slept very well as im scared something will go wrong ect, just hope I manage to get a better sleep tonight than I have in the past few days.

Sorry for the vent/ramble
