First of all I woke up way too late at 9:30. That is my own doing- I kept waking up and feeling like it would be so nice to just sleep a little longer.

So now that I am up, I feel all out of sorts. I had a sudden cramp in my abdomen and am not sure if that is menstrual or bowel related. I went to the bathroom but that didn't make it better. It did go away and it didn't really make me panicky at all. Just "Ugh, wish this would go away".

Okay, so then, after I was recovering from my crampyness, I get this bad wave of n*. And I'm pretty sure it wasn't anxiety. I assume that was because my allergies are giving me horrible phlegmyness today. But just general. I'm not really scared or panicking I just hate these days when you feel bad for no reason.