There have been a couple of people with the sv at work and my husband just told me that there have been a few people at his work with it too. Ugh. I thought sv season was over! It's May! I don't know about the people at his work, but at mine it has been really nasty - one girl was really sick for 2 days and it took her another 2-3 days to fully recover. Another guy started on Friday and he was still out sick today (Monday) so that's a good 3-4 days. Whatever happened to the 24 hour bug? Why is this one so nasty? I don't think I would panic as much if I knew it would be one or two times of v* and that's it, but both of the people I work with had LOTS of v* - to the point of dry heaves afterwards because there was nothing left. Please don't let me catch it!