So my husband has pretty much recovered from his nasty sv..finally!....anyways, i've been in a panic that one of my kids, particularly my 8 year old daughter is going to catch this thing from i kind of started to relax...and then she comes home from school and tells me a friend in her class went home this morning...she was crying and said her stomach and her head hurt...i'm sure ti's the start of an sv!!'s going around a lot here and also it's got to be that because i never hear of kids with colds anymore!!'s now May and this s**t is still going strong....i can't stop worrying my daughter will get this...she hasn't been sick in over 2 you think her time is up? do you mother's cope?....instead of worrying about the what if's...i would love to be able to just deal with it when it happens, know what I mean?...thanks for listening