So here I am, locked in my room because my mom has an sv*. She was complaining of stomach pain earlier in the day and d*, as well as bouts of nausea. When she first said, "Ohh, my stomach", I got that wave of anxiety I always get when someone within 5 feet of me says they feel sick. So she laid down and I went to the chiropractor with my dad. Walked in the door about 2 hours ago, and that unmistakeable, acidic smell was permeating the air -- I'm sure everyone here knows it.

So I immediately retreated to my room, and here I am, being a scaredy-cat. Some of the symptoms she described I feel like I'm starting to get; I don't know whether it's my mind playing tricks on me like it so often does when people get sick, or that I'm actually coming down with something. Every time I feel chills coming on or rumbling in my stomach, I get this panicky feeling, like I'm going to wake up in the middle of the night tonight and have to run to the bathroom covering my mouth. Is there anything I can do right now to keep from getting sick? I understand it's not airborn, so should I just keep slathering on the hand sanitizer?

And how can I relax myself? I'm feeling pretty anxious, obviously. Anything that involves leaving my room is pretty much out of the question.

Thanks for reading.